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Obama Attacks Progressives...Again

Former President Barack Obama touched on growing divisions within his own party, warning against pushes for ideological purity that can result in a “circular firing squad” in a town hall organized by the Obama Foundation in Berlin on Saturday.

While taking audience questions about the frustration that comes with lack of change, Obama expressed concern about a lack of compromise in Washington, and said he specifically worries progressive politicians could be alienating potential allies.

“One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States — maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,’” Obama said. “And then we start sometimes creating what’s called a ‘circular firing squad’ where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues.”

The former president said he believes this approach “weakens” movements, and that those that would like to see a progressive agenda “have to recognize that the way we’ve structured democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you.”

Obama ended his speech by advocating for patience and incremental change: “We have to be careful in balancing big dreams and bold ideas with also recognizing that typically change happens in steps. And if you want to skip steps, you can. Historically what’s ended up happening is sometimes if you skip too many steps you end up having bad outcomes.”

Oh fuck off man. We all know who in particular he's speaking about. He's speaking about AOC and Bernie. He's always doing this shit. I'm not going to hold my tongue any longer. Obama is not immune to being criticized. I know some libs go apeshit if god forbid you criticize Obama. It's practically a fucking a commandment now that thou shall not criticize Obama. Sorry libs but I'm not going to bend the knee to him. Why does he constantly lecture progressives yet he never goes after the centrists/moderates/corporatists in the party??? When he says "circular firing squad" what he really is saying is don't go after the establishment candidates. He says progressives' approach "weakens movements". From the way I look at it the only one weakening the movement is Obama with the constant lecturing of progressivism. He sounds exactly like a conservative. He's basically making their argument. But wait it gets worse. Here's the real kicker. He then says " we have to be careful in balancing big dreams and bold ideas with also recognizing that typically change happens in steps". This fucking guy!!! GTFO here with your incrementalism. God he fucking reeks of establishment. We're beyond incrementalism now that we have Fuckface Von Clownstick in the Oval Office. What we need is bold progressive action. Something he wasn't able to bring during his 8 years in office. Obama a progressive? No way. Do not call him a progressive. I'm sick of the incrementalism. I'm sick of the lecturing. I want these establishment and corporatist politicians gone. Gone!!



Hiliary 2020
Ok but all the politicians are owned. Every one of them.
And there isn't anything that anybody can do about it.
Especially since most people can't even figure out that simple obvious thing which I believe would be step 1.

They own the politicians. They own the media. They own the government and its police and military and we own them 21 trillion dollars and they have unlimited funds.
I don't think we are going to be able to make these establishment and corporatist politicians go away.

And Barry popping up every once in a while reading from a script? That's just him doing what he's told. Doing a favor he's been called upon to do. A favor he can't refuse.


Staff member

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
We all know who in particular he's speaking about. He's speaking about AOC and Bernie.

He then says " we have to be careful in balancing big dreams and bold ideas with also recognizing that typically change happens in steps".

I'm sick of the incrementalism. I'm sick of the lecturing. I want these establishment and corporatist politicians gone. Gone!!

I'm not defending him, but I think that he's just being realistic in saying that in social/political matters, you can't just snap your fingers and instantly get exactly what you want when you want it. And he's not wrong. Outside of a revolution or a coup, how would any sort of radical change suddenly take place? When has that ever happened in this country? Whatever politician is nominated by the Dems (progressives or otherwise) has to be able to win the POTUS seat - at least have a realistic chance. Nominating some partisan firebrand, that just appeals to a certain wing of that party (and really, no one else), would basically be a waste of time and money (which is the key issue to any party machine).

What is it that you want to see happen anyway... and how do you propose that your party gets there?
I'm not defending him, but I think that he's just being realistic in saying that in social/political matters, you can't just snap your fingers and instantly get exactly what you want when you want it. And he's not wrong. Outside of a revolution or a coup, how would any sort of radical change suddenly take place? When has that ever happened in this country? Whatever politician is nominated by the Dems (progressives or otherwise) has to be able to win the POTUS seat - at least have a realistic chance. Nominating some partisan firebrand, that just appeals to a certain wing of that party (and really, no one else), would basically be a waste of time and money


And a sure path to defeat.

If they alienate the moderate vote they'll get slaughtered.

And a sure path to defeat.

If they alienate the moderate vote they'll get slaughtered.

Trump Didn't win before I hope he doesn't win again.
America did not vote for him against the most unlikable candidate ever so I'm pretty sure he couldn't win against a leather shoe this time.
If the religious right will support a degenerate like Trump then shame on them.
Skin heads and the uneducated are the most easily led bleating sheep in the known world so of course they will vote for him.
Voting for Trump is the non removable stain he has zero ethics, does not follow the law, and truly lacks vision past his own nose.
We as Americans are everything the world says we are if he is gains a second term.
The GOP should be ashamed of themselves......
Trump Didn't win before I hope he doesn't win again.
America did not vote for him against the most unlikable candidate ever so I'm pretty sure he couldn't win against a leather shoe this time.
If the religious right will support a degenerate like Trump then shame on them.
Skin heads and the uneducated are the most easily led bleating sheep in the known world so of course they will vote for him.
Voting for Trump is the non removable stain he has zero ethics, does not follow the law, and truly lacks vision past his own nose.
We as Americans are everything the world says we are if he is gains a second term.
The GOP should be ashamed of themselves......

You get that one all out, cupcake? :pathead: ...feel better? No? I didn't think so. Obsessive hatred is hard to satisfy.

I really don't know what to tell you: you've got another 4 years to brace for, and incessantly cry and complain about ('cause the TV people told you to).

Americans don't want what the Democrat party is selling - bitter, defeatist obstructionism, with no answers or solutions.

President Trump - elected President by the American people, and doing a fine job. Keep weeping, ninnies :rofl2:
You get that one all out, cupcake? :pathead: ...feel better? No? I didn't think so. Obsessive hatred is hard to satisfy.

I really don't know what to tell you: you've got another 4 years to brace for, and incessantly cry and complain about ('cause the TV people told you to).

Americans don't want what the Democrat party is selling - bitter, defeatist obstructionism, with no answers or solutions.

President Trump - elected President by the American people, and doing a fine job. Keep weeping, ninnies :rofl2:
I hope you are wrong and I have considered the oompah loompah a dipshit for 30 years him being president has zero to do with it.
Again it would reflect poorly on Our country if this clown, and he is a clown, got four more years.
I hope you are wrong and I have considered the oompah loompah a dipshit for 30 years him being president has zero to do with it.
Again it would reflect poorly on Our country if this clown, and he is a clown, got four more years.

What's your issue with his presidency? Really? No rhetoric, now - what has he really DONE that has affected you or the ones you love adversely? A real thing. No abstract, bologna notions, a real fucking thing.

Moving on, what has he really DONE to affect the nation as a whole adversely (ahem, take a look at employment numbers, economic growth, markets, etc, before you answer that... also, be mindful that North Korea has suddenly become peace-loving, and Iran is back on the defensive, as they should be... let's see, China's on notice... ISIS is broken... )?

Only damage done I see is a politically-motivated, illegal-bordering-on-treasonous, witch hunt conducted by Democrat shitstains.

Oh, but please, tell me about how the other nations are talking about us in a not-nice way, because of the blaggard Mr. Trump - oh, heavens!

What is this, high school?!?! Who gives a fuck about the opinions of 2nd place - Venezuela? The burden of the US is to lead, and followers will sometimes squawk, c'est la vie.
It’s funny how he forfeits future by facilitating the same Wild West nonsense that caused the 2008 economic collapse and allowing our nature preserves and wild zones to be destroyed in the name of quick profit then calling it prosperity???
It’s a short sighted fools errand.
He has accomplished zero as of yet with China and North Korea has displayed a Blatant disregard for the laws of this country openly makes bold faced lies to back up His hair brained schemes and is proven to be an extremely flawed Low life of a human being.
I could go on and on and on.......
It’s funny how he forfeits future by facilitating the same Wild West nonsense that caused the 2008 economic collapse and allowing our nature preserves and wild zones to be destroyed in the name of quick profit then calling it prosperity???
It’s a short sighted fools errand.
He has accomplished zero as of yet with China and North Korea has displayed a Blatant disregard for the laws of this country openly makes bold faced lies to back up His hair brained schemes and is proven to be an extremely flawed Low life of a human being.
I could go on and on and on.......

Or you could just cite facts. Like I did.
Do you even read the posts??
One mans facts....

You're flat wrong on China and North Korea. That's just a stupid statement you made there. Moving on:

Let's have some detail - how, pray tell, is it that he "forfeits future by facilitating the same Wild West nonsense that caused the 2008 economic collapse and allowing our nature preserves and wild zones to be destroyed in the name of quick profit then calling it prosperity." With facts, please. Don't just repeat phrases you've heard Trevor Noah say.
You're flat wrong on China and North Korea. That's just a stupid statement you made there. Moving on:

Let's have some detail - how, pray tell, is it that he "forfeits future by facilitating the same Wild West nonsense that caused the 2008 economic collapse and allowing our nature preserves and wild zones to be destroyed in the name of quick profit then calling it prosperity." With facts, please. Don't just repeat phrases you've heard Trevor Noah say.

I am not your civics teacher and I do not choose to spoon feed you direct facts and or reasons if you wish to expand your knowledge in this regard that is your call.
You are very poor at attorney word twisting so I suggest you give that up.
I shave you the outline take it how you wish.
As far as North Korea/China give sone tangible facts as to real world changes that have occurred and not perceptions of possibilities.......
Who the fuck is Trevor Noah.......
I am not your civics teacher and I do not choose to spoon feed you direct facts and or reasons if you wish to expand your knowledge in this regard that is your call.
You are very poor at attorney word twisting so I suggest you give that up.
I shave you the outline take it how you wish.
As far as North Korea/China give sone tangible facts as to real world changes that have occurred and not perceptions of possibilities.......
Who the fuck is Trevor Noah.......

North Korea has suddenly become peace-loving

Yeah. Peace loving. That captures it to a tee lol


Meanwhile the great Orange shit stain threw Otto Warmbier's family under the bus while taking Kim "at his word" about not knowing about his torture :facepalm: :facepalm:

The collective right's head would have exploded had Obama said such a thing. But when their messiah say it it's all good :)