Yeah...I were/are a Rhodes Scholar, right? Unlike GW who only went to Yale, or Bill, or GB1...wait, weren't any of the past Presidents as smart as BHO or you? Thank God for the smartest President ever...he sure fed you a line of hooey, and now he's President! Wow! He is smart...:thumbsup:finally america has an intelligent president after so many morons
What this really means is shielding science from religious based politics.There was a time even most republicans were with that idea but when the pubs starting using the religious whacks as a constituency the influence of the right wing evangelical pro-life etc whacko's really became a problem.The only real solution if they insist on standing in the way of progress and enlightenment is for us to be as dogmatic and demanding as they are about things and push for the total abolition of these age old backward belief systems from our culture.Its not like don't they have a long history of standing in the way of progress and truth and still try to.Creationism etc etc etc.Just outlaw the nonsense lol.:thumbsup:
religion is a primitive curse on mankind and progress
religion is a primitive curse on mankind and progress
George Soros sends his pre set telepromptor wherever Obama goes it seems.
These aren't Obama's ideas, they're György Schwartz's, aka -
george soreohhz's / Mr's ideas.
Next up - pure unadulterated infanticide i.e. 11th hour, end of third trimester, whole baby abortion![]()
you don't know anything about me so shut upYeah...I were/are a Rhodes Scholar, right? Unlike GW who only went to Yale, or Bill, or GB1...wait, weren't any of the past Presidents as smart as BHO or you? Thank God for the smartest President ever...he sure fed you a line of hooey, and now he's President! Wow! He is smart...:thumbsup:
So much wisdom so fast...let me try to understand what you're saying; you're not too clear, but I'll try...
So...there was a time: umm, when was this "time"? Middle Ages? Last year?
Did you mean no Democrats were ever down with religion dictating how we pursue research and science teaching?
Millions of Democratic Southern Baptists were all for Evolution Theory and not the Bible-based Creationism Theory, right?
Suddenly Republicans went far Right...all of them...and controlled the entire Government. There weren't any Democrats smart enough or numerous enough to stop them.
But...overnight Democrats took over...where were these vast numbers of enlightened voters hiding? In your neighborhood?
Now, there's hope because these wonderful enlightened Democrats have reappeared (I still want to know where they were all this time), and evil Republicans must be stopped. Is there a Law that Creationism is the only Theory allowed in schools? When did this happen? Got a timeline?
Since the Republican Right either appeared recently, or "they have a long history of standing in the way of progress and truth and still try to", I don't see where this conflict is resolved in your post.
You want to outlaw this nonsense? What nonsense? The rule of Law...where voters and their reps decide the way things go, or where one group decides what everyone does.
It's amazing how years of time pass, and suddenly the same folks who were here all the time aren't the least bit responsible for anything that happened...either all the Republicans who are pretty much mainstream or the religious Democrats who let it all go down, 'til what...a few months ago?
Since you seem to have a clear vision of how this all happened, could you please just clear up the slight discrepancy in the actual timeline?:dunno:
I eagerly await enlightenment...
you don't know anything about me...
... so shut up
...or what? You'll post again?
I'm in favor of it. Science has been obstructed by politics, both gov't and religion for so long that it's amazing that we've accomplished everything we have so far. Science can cure diseases, save lives, etc. Yes there are many, many good things that science can do, but make sure that with this "freedom", science doesn't fall into the wrong hands and another Hitler or Stalin is unleashed on the world.
Considering Bush was part of a family that was extremely rich and extremely politically elite when he went, I would say his Yale degree probably (guessing, are you?)isn't worth the paper it's printed on. His actions over the past 8 years have pretty much proven he a couple cards short of a deck and more or less confirms that. His father wasn't anything to write home about in the brains department either.
While there are religious people on both sides of the aisle, and ones that that let that cloud their judgment, no objective neutral observer could come to any conclusion other than the fact that things are definitely skewed very heavily the Republicans way when it comes to religious nut fundamentalist as of the present.
It doesn't matter if they allow other theories besides creationism in schools. creationism isn't science, AT ALL. It's a philosophy. I suppose if a child is in a private school that his parents put him into and they want to teach theology or philosophy then so be it. It has no place in a public school. As far as science goes the theory of creationism has about as much merit as somebody saying that the world isn't real and we are all hooked up into a Matrix like device that powers some extraterrestrial's spaceship throughout the galaxy. Both have about the same level of proof you can attach to it.
As far as human embryos go, it's the mother's choice what she wants to do with it as far as I'm concerned (or both parents choice if it's outside the mother's body. I‘ll also admit not all their choices are what I would do or are what I‘m happy with, but I don‘t make it a point to dictate other people‘s lives.) It might be life, but until it's born it's not a person in my opinion. While some people don't like that, they probably think that way also even if they don't admit or don't realize it. I'm sure if some fire broke out in a fertility clinic and they have the chance to save either some person knocked out lying on the floor or a thousands of cryogenically frozen embryos in a metal container but not both almost everybody is going to save the guy knocked out on the floor. The fact most people won't even think about it pretty much goes to show even they don't think of pre-born life as equivalent to what a person is.
So much wisdom so fast...let me try to understand what you're saying; you're not too clear, but I'll try...
So...there was a time: umm, when was this "time"? Middle Ages? Last year?
Did you mean no Democrats were ever down with religion dictating how we pursue research and science teaching?
Millions of Democratic Southern Baptists were all for Evolution Theory and not the Bible-based Creationism Theory, right?
Suddenly Republicans went far Right...all of them...and controlled the entire Government. There weren't any Democrats smart enough or numerous enough to stop them.
But...overnight Democrats took over...where were these vast numbers of enlightened voters hiding? In your neighborhood?
Now, there's hope because these wonderful enlightened Democrats have reappeared (I still want to know where they were all this time), and evil Republicans must be stopped. Is there a Law that Creationism is the only Theory allowed in schools? When did this happen? Got a timeline?
Since the Republican Right either appeared recently, or "they have a long history of standing in the way of progress and truth and still try to", I don't see where this conflict is resolved in your post.
You want to outlaw this nonsense? What nonsense? The rule of Law...where voters and their reps decide the way things go, or where one group decides what everyone does.
It's amazing how years of time pass, and suddenly the same folks who were here all the time aren't the least bit responsible for anything that happened...either all the Republicans who are pretty much mainstream or the religious Democrats who let it all go down, 'til what...a few months ago?
Since you seem to have a clear vision of how this all happened, could you please just clear up the slight discrepancy in the actual timeline?:dunno:
I eagerly await enlightenment...