NYT: opposing mass muslim migration is racist


The New York Times had a propaganda piece where they characterized European fears about mass Muslim migration as racist:

Johnny Christensen, a stout and silver-whiskered retired bank employee, always thought of himself as sympathetic to people fleeing war and welcoming to immigrants. But after more than 36,000 mostly Muslim asylum seekers poured intoDenmark over the past two years, Mr. Christensen, 65, said, “I’ve become a racist.”

He believes these new migrants are draining Denmark’s cherished social-welfare system but failing to adapt to its customs. “Just kick them out,” he said, unleashing a mighty kick at an imaginary target on a suburban sidewalk. “These Muslims want to keep their own culture, but we have our own rules here and everyone must follow them.”

Omar Mahmoud, 34, an Iraqi engineer who entered Denmark a year ago and lives in a refugee center in Randers, a city of 60,000, is trying his best to fit in. He and his wife are taking Danish classes, and their three children are learning the language and making Danish friends in school. They are Muslim, but attend church to learn about Christianity, and he said he was not opposed to his son’s eating pork, a staple of the Danish diet, though it is forbidden in Islam.

Yes, Omar is the typical Muslim immigrant. He learns the local language, make Danish friends, and he attends church to learn about Christianity--what??????

In it's effort to produce a Muslim role model the Times went a little too overboard to be believed. In reality many Muslims are on welfare, they are insular, some commit acts of terorrism, and many of them want Sharia law imposed on their new country. But don't expect anecdotes from the Times about that.

If a few million christians moved to a Muslim country, do you think the Times would expect the Muslim country to be as warm and accepting? Or would the Times be sympathetic to the Muslim country for trying to "preserve its own culture."? Just try and guess.

Just more of a double standard from the liberals at the New York Times.

Will E Worm

36,000 ? I think that number is largely over-estimated but let's assume it is correct.
36,00, in a ountry with a population of 5.5 millions. That's 0,65%. Talk about mass immigration !


Hiliary 2020
Don't fall for this crap.
Again it's manipulation.
Manipulating your feelings and opinions.
See through it because it's clear as day.
NYT is part of the same system that has promoted the wars protected the corrupt politicians that created the immigration and all it's problems.
They lie. They lie everyday.
They put out stuff like this to piss off non muslims and create more Christian/Muslim-American/Arab problems.
They're just doing what's best for their people, and we ain't theyre people.