NYPD crash OWS party

It's about time...the cops should have loaded these piss smelling mongrels into an MTA bus and drove it into the East River.

Now families with their children can come and sight see the WTC and lower Manhattan w/o being heckled and scared off by these foul smelling, lazy Hippie scumfucks!

Yeah so many smelly hippies, facepalm
the emotional propaganda machine is an amazing operation at work

it really has nothing to do with if you agree with OWS or not, because once this is 'over' it will something else that they will stir you up to believe.
If you weren't being infused with images and buzzwords (thanks to the the electronic IV of television and corporate news, you'd never come to the conclusions that so many vehemently are coming to). So much of what we're all directed to believe is geared toward keeping us on the path of being a non-thinking obedient subservient commodity and wanton consumer of shit

This is how it really is. No hippies just people sick of the corruption. Back in 1983, approximately 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the United States. Today, ownership of the news media has been concentrated in the hands of just six incredibly powerful media corporations.
what is truly sad is how, when "plugged in" to this force-fed belief system, how indoctrinated we can get to the exclusion of the rest of life's joys.
Protests on your nerves? Okay, cool (admittedly, I find the 'human megaphone' a bit pretentious, myself.....but I'm not against people voicing their beliefs), but what I'm talking about is something larger than that....

Just UNPLUG for a while and see if the beliefs you have now are truly as strong as you feel they are right now (or if they are manufactured by emotional triggers).
If you were to stop eating processed shit for a month and just ate whole foods, you'd realize there is nothing in your body that naturally craves a greasy, tasteless, sodium-laden burger with sugar-drenched Coke.

If you were to stop listening to radio or your shitty iTunes collection for more than a month, you'd realize there is nothing artistic or creative to the rote and programmatic music you just adore right now (whether it is your 'classic rock' or pop music).

Stop participating in the 'news cycle' for over a month and see if you actually will gravitate to bullshit red herrings like Casey Anthony, Kim Kardashian, or the latest kabuki "right" vs "left" farce

Most of what we adhere to in western culture is all plastic and make-believe


The last thing the consumer culture we live in wants you to wake up and realize is that "OWS" type of struggles, the History of Violence in America that exist between labor and corporations, is not a recent development. It is our history and has a long-standing chronicle. They don't want you understand that this is something that has existed at the beginning of our existence
So this is a police brutality celebration thread?

No, let's be clear. You are told to leave property because you are trespassing. Then you are told again to leave many times. It becomes criminal trespassing. Yet still you don't leave because your right to protest on private property is greater than the owner's rights.

The police or (as the dirty hippies like to refer to them) fascist pigs.. come in with riot gear and start physically removing those that don't disperse on their own and start cracking skulls of those that resist and impede or arrest the dumb fucks.

Not a celebration of police brutality at all. Just recognizing them for doing what they earn their paychecks to do and suggesting that they may deserve a raise.
Police brutality? These people tresspass private property, stay there for weeks, are told to leave but they ignore it, then they start turning violent and when the police responds they complain when the police does their job of enforcing the law?


But then again, OWS may have a point. We, the older generation, the X'ers, owe them an apology, and here it is:

At this moment, a whole lot of people, most of them 15 to 20 years younger than me, are protesting in every major city. What are they angry about? A lot of things, some of which are partially my fault.

See, I'm a part of Generation X, the post-Baby Boom era kids who grew up on a mental diet of Beavis and Butthead and Alice in Chains. We wrote poems about how angry we were at our fathers, wore goatees like weapons and made panties burst into flames by playing Pearl Jam's Black on our acoustic guitars. We were a bridge from the Baby Boomers to all you guys who are in high school and college now. And I'm pretty sure we fucked up that handoff pretty badly.

This is not a sarcastic apology, I'm not a big enough dick to write all of this as a backhanded insult about how lazy and entitled you are. Because you're not.
typical liberals.... expecting big government to "do whats best" to the people

demanding government workers to provide jobs and resources to vacate the park of dissenting voices of our Forefathers. Take our country back, you betcha
typical liberals.... expecting big government to "do whats best" to the people

demanding government workers to provide jobs and resources to vacate the park of dissenting voices of our Forefathers. Take our country back, you betcha

Typical liberals is right. Cherry pick the constitutional rights to achieve their goals, while trampling on the constitutional rights of others.
the government is always right
Never question authority

give me a liter of cola

Our courageous troops over the generations died for our basic right of liberty of freedom to delight in fellow citizens getting beat down, and I'll be damned, sir, if you're gonna try to get in the way of good old fashioned "dowhatyertold"


Torn & Frayed.
But then again, OWS may have a point. We, the older generation, the X'ers, owe them an apology, and here it is:

See, I'm a part of Generation X, the post-Baby Boom era kids who grew up on a mental diet of Beavis and Butthead and Alice in Chains. We wrote poems about how angry we were at our fathers, wore goatees like weapons and made panties burst into flames by playing Pearl Jam's Black on our acoustic guitars.
I was born in 1970;which supposedly means that technically I qualify, but I didn't do any of this bullshit.

I'm not apologizing.I don't owe them a goddamn thing.
Our sources tell us the Occupiers next targeted location is Sesame Street.