what is truly sad is how, when "plugged in" to this force-fed belief system, how indoctrinated we can get to the exclusion of the rest of life's joys.
Protests on your nerves? Okay, cool (admittedly, I find the 'human megaphone' a bit pretentious, myself.....but I'm not against people voicing their beliefs), but what I'm talking about is something larger than that....
Just UNPLUG for a while and see if the beliefs you have now are truly as strong as you feel they are right now (or if they are manufactured by emotional triggers).
If you were to stop eating processed shit for a month and just ate whole foods, you'd realize there is nothing in your body that naturally craves a greasy, tasteless, sodium-laden burger with sugar-drenched Coke.
If you were to stop listening to radio or your shitty iTunes collection for more than a month, you'd realize there is nothing artistic or creative to the rote and programmatic music you just adore right now (whether it is your 'classic rock' or pop music).
Stop participating in the 'news cycle' for over a month and see if you actually will gravitate to bullshit red herrings like Casey Anthony, Kim Kardashian, or the latest kabuki "right" vs "left" farce
Most of what we adhere to in western culture is all plastic and make-believe
The last thing the consumer culture we live in wants you to wake up and realize is that "OWS" type of struggles, the History of Violence in America that exist between labor and corporations, is not a recent development. It is our history and has a long-standing chronicle. They don't want you understand that this is something that has existed at the beginning of our existence