Out of all the vehicles on the road the type I hate getting behind the most are minivans. They are slow, ponderous, are usually driven by people that suck at driving, and it's hard to see around them to know what's ahead of them.
Out of all the vehicles on the road the type I hate getting behind the most are minivans. They are slow, ponderous, are usually driven by people that suck at driving, and it's hard to see around them to know what's ahead of them.
I finally saw the commercial on TV a few minutes ago. No matter what you do to that thing... paint flames on it, install lightweight aluminum wheels, slap a nitrous kit onto its wheezer of an engine, order it with leather seats; it's still a Honda and it's still a minivan (OK, now all the Honda and the minivan owners can hate me too).
If (or more likely WHEN) I go to Hell, that's how I'll spend eternity: being forced to drive a Honda minivan through suburbs filled with cloned McMansions and 40-something women who have had three facelifts too many. I can't wait.