No e-mail received

I tried registering a few years ago as twistedspark@hotmail and was successfull up to the point where I'm supposed to get a confimation e-mail and did not. I just re-tried using the same name and was told that name was in use...O.K. so I used twistedspark2k1 with the e-mail addy Same problem. I've gotten nothing from this site. I even deleted all my mail before hand so that I wouldn't overlook it in the spam folder. No help.
Hello! I'm Smigol and i'm a new member of ths beautiful forum. I have made the registration but I have not still received the
activation email and I cannot open the attached images. Help me, please!
If you use hotmail , try looking in the junk mail folder
I've still not received any e-mail from u. Do Hotmail and Yahoo block ur mails automatically? I receive all kinds of crap in my junk mail folder so I wouldn't think so, but I've deleted each e-mail individually looking for yours and not found it. People on Aol can't send me e-mails either. What kinda server are you on anyway? lol


ex FreeOnes Team Member
twistedspark2k1 said:
I've still not received any e-mail from u. Do Hotmail and Yahoo block ur mails automatically? I receive all kinds of crap in my junk mail folder so I wouldn't think so, but I've deleted each e-mail individually looking for yours and not found it. People on Aol can't send me e-mails either. What kinda server are you on anyway? lol

joined mon 26th stillawaiting email confirmation what gives??????????????

please give me the link!
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