Nintendo Revolutions controller ad

here is a vid of Nintendo Revolution and is new controller...not sure if i'm for it...dont really like the idea of jumping round my bedroom like a muppet while playing a game...what u guys think?



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Not my bag whatsoever
I think it looks really fucking dumb, but there are people who think it is great. I think there is going to be no middle ground here. Everyone will either love it or hate it.
i wont like to play metroid prime 3 with that controller...u'd be all over the place when the action kicks in
DVD games suck with remotes. What makes Nintendo think they are going to be able to pull it off any different with consoles?
i think this could ruin nintendo wit the western doubt it will do well in Japan tho
I think it actually looks interesting and that Nintendo I trying something new and totally different...the baseball swing game looked interesting, and sure Nintendo has had some bombs...*cough*cough* Virtual Boy...but I respect they asre trying new things
Id feel like a fool holding that controller, what with it looking like a TV remote controller, I mean I have my SKY Remote, Tv Remote, VCR remote, DVD remote, im gonna get well confused after a few beers. And if my phones goes and I pick up this stupid new controller instead...Nintendo you have messed up, it wont sell no matter how many great Metroids, Marios and Zeldas you slap on the damn thing, now when people think games they think "Playstation" Its pretty sad but I remember back when Nintendo were on top, but now they trying to hard, its a shame because Nintendos in-house games are unbeatable....third party support always lets em down.

Sorry Nintendo but at the moment, The PS3 has my attention....but dont worry, ID NEVER BUY AN X-BOX.....unless it came with my fave Freeones babes....