Nightfly Has Returned!!!

Hello, everyone! :wave2: I am back after my 2 months of holidays/vacation! I had a wonderful time, but I missed so many people here, talking and posting, reading everyone's thoughts (and of course checking out all the hot pics and links everyone shares)! :nanner:

So, on we go! I'm so glad to be back!

Cheers!! :party:


are you talking to me?
:wave2: :partysml:


see they always come back.

:glugglug: :thumbsup:
:wave2: The o.g. homie :thumbsup:
It''s great to be back though too! Paradise is great, but hey, "home" is HOME!!!

Did the sig rules change? I've seen some HUGE sigs
If I'm breaking a rule I'm sorry, didnt know. I just didnt know which one to choose, what do you say?
I prefer the 1st one, with Carmen, but even that sig itself is too But it's a great sig!

Calm said:
If I'm breaking a rule I'm sorry, didnt know. I just didnt know which one to choose, what do you say?
nightfly who? (just kidding mate, it has been awhile) u did not really miss a lot, btw have u seen terri (summers) new website layout as well as her freeones gallery? and that hung lo is gone? anyhow nice to have ya back glad u had a great vacation.:wave2:
Welcome Back mate! Sorry havn't seen this post otherwise I'd responded much sooner.:wave: