Nicolas Cage wants an annulment after 4-day marriage, cites 'intoxication' in Vegas

Just when you thought he couldn't get any Cageier, Nicolas Cage reveals 24 years later that Leaving Las Vegas was a documentary from the future that is soon to be available on DVD.



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
*trying to find of a way to work a 'NOT THE BEES' joke into this*


Major Crimes? Shiiiit.
At least he was in some decent films once upon a time. Raising Arizona, Wild at Heart and Leaving Las Vegas. Nowadays he's just another dude with a bad rug.
At least he was in some decent films once upon a time. Raising Arizona, Wild at Heart and Leaving Las Vegas. Nowadays he's just another dude with a bad rug.

How has he not crossed paths with Steven Seagal to do a DTV buddy-cop film? If you want to see a recent Nicolas Cage film you don't need to get all dolled up and go to the theater. Just grab your keys, put on your slippers, and head over to Walgreen's where you'll find a copy next to the Snickers Bars and under the Bic Lighters.


"That's high praise!"
He has one thing going for him. Any act he does can explained away by reason of insanity and have it be believable. :1orglaugh

It's been a long time, but remember way back when he was newer actor that actually made some decent films and looked to have a decent future? He even seemed like a pretty cool down to earth dude all things considered. Then somewhere along the line it's like a switch was flipped on him and he started to act like a joke. Now there are worse people than him in films because they are downright douchebags instead of just nuts like Cage, but it makes me wonder just what the hell happened to him.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Didn't he name one of his kids "Kal-El"?

He lost me at that point
Nicolas Cage was considered to play Superman back in the 1990s.


Those images remind me just how off the rails Superman got in the comics of the 90s. Not that he was alone. It seems like all the major publishers were trying to see just how badly they could screw up everything good about comics back then. It's probably why I quit collecting comics in the 90s. Looking back and reading other people's experiences over the years about that period on the Internet I'm not that surprised when I find many other people did the same thing as me. I'm glad they recovered somewhat, if nothing else than some of the actual good movies that have come along lately. Not superman though, the Nicolas Cage Superman movie might have actually been better than Batman Vs Superman or the joyless Man of Steel. :1orglaugh