The Bruins offence looked like absolute shit tonight, trade Blake Wheeler, that kid can't hit the fucking broadside of a barn!
Tonight I have learnt that Tim Thomas is human after all...
Beat a very bad though very young Edmonton team to a pulp. Hat trick for Gabby Bloody!
Bruins and Rangers Wednesday on Versus Luke.
^^^Yeah he's still got it, when he's healthy. Stepan hasn't done a whole lot since the first game.
Yeah we're gonn have to keep an eye on Stepan, because I take a particular interest in the Minnesota boys who make it to the big leagues. When I get a chance I will watch a Rangers game on the folks NHL channel.
7-2-1 in October to 8-7-2 in early November. Tampa's fallen hard in a short time.
i have no words anymore.
I'm at a loss for words too.
I was at the game we are playing very sloppy and until we get out of this funk that we are in I h ave no words either
Good man. We have another Minnesota kid, Sauer?, maybe, not sure about the name.