Next Hitman Announced

We already know that Eidos would be occuping long awaited titles like Tomb Raider Underworld and Just Cause 2. It comes as no surprise that Eidos will implan a new episode of Hitman, this comes with no exit date or even what platform that game will make it’s big exit on.

I havent played a Hitman game since the first one on PC. But I remember that it was great. Good news for the fans


what the fuck you lookin at?
Fuck yea! I love the series! Something about sneaking around and brutally killing someone is so fuckin sweet. Other times I like to bust down the doors guns blazing!
I think they couldve made a bigger announcement though, even if they had left it to E3 with a trailer it would have been a bigger surprise. They should have announced the platforms too - it will easily be PC, probably PS3 and 360 too though. You can already guess what platforms they'll choose lol
Wow. Another Hitman? i certainly didnt expect it. definitely will play it


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
::peter griffin voice::
Friggin' Sweet!
Great news.