Sam Fisher
Next After Healthcare: Guns, Then Knives
If the media is able to get Obama a second term, he will likely use it to go after the Second Amendment. What will his Nanny State do next, after making us safe from the guns we use to defend ourselves? Take away sharp objects, starting with knives. It has already begun on the local level:
Current Boston law prohibits the sale of any folding knife with a blade over 2 inches long to a “minor” (I don’t know if they are using 18 or 21 for this definition).
After sting operations revealed to bureauweenies that conveniences stores have been selling pocket knives to minors,
Their answer was to propose a city ordinance that would require a license to sell knives. [Because that] still doesn’t prevent someone from breaking the law and continuing to sell the knives, it is easy to guess what the next step is. Use a combination of high permit pricing and denying the license to as many businesses as many as possible to create a de facto ban on cutlery sales. One official from the transit police made the statement that, in his opinion, “no law would be too onerous in preventing the sale of these ‘deadly weapons.’” I assume his reasoning is based on the old “if it saves the life of just one child” argument that no one ever really means. If they did, we would have banned bikes, high school football, and backyard swimming pools a long time ago.
At least this will make Bostonians safe from knife-wielding teenage criminals, right? Of course not:
Ban all the folders, sheath knives, box cutters and kitchen cutlery you want, but give me 5 minutes in any hardware store and I will make a shiv from something. Just to prove that point, I went to our own small town hardware and bought two 10-inch spike nails for around 75 cents each. I then devoted another couple of minutes to grinding one down to a needle sharp point. After that I wrapped the head end with a piece of cardboard and covered it with duct tape. The end result is a 5-inch blade stiletto just deadly as anything to come out of Renaissance Italy. A few more minutes spent with the duct tape and cardboard would have provided a completely serviceable “hide-out” sheath. Total cost, maybe a dollar. Any prison warden will tell you this is just basic “Convict 101.” If they can’t prevent it in prisons, it is obviously totally impossible to control on the street.
But like gun laws, knife laws target law-abiding citizens, not criminals.
Once Big Government has made us safe from knives, it will go after other sharp objects, eventually including our teeth and fingernails.
If the media is able to get Obama a second term, he will likely use it to go after the Second Amendment. What will his Nanny State do next, after making us safe from the guns we use to defend ourselves? Take away sharp objects, starting with knives. It has already begun on the local level:
Current Boston law prohibits the sale of any folding knife with a blade over 2 inches long to a “minor” (I don’t know if they are using 18 or 21 for this definition).
After sting operations revealed to bureauweenies that conveniences stores have been selling pocket knives to minors,
Their answer was to propose a city ordinance that would require a license to sell knives. [Because that] still doesn’t prevent someone from breaking the law and continuing to sell the knives, it is easy to guess what the next step is. Use a combination of high permit pricing and denying the license to as many businesses as many as possible to create a de facto ban on cutlery sales. One official from the transit police made the statement that, in his opinion, “no law would be too onerous in preventing the sale of these ‘deadly weapons.’” I assume his reasoning is based on the old “if it saves the life of just one child” argument that no one ever really means. If they did, we would have banned bikes, high school football, and backyard swimming pools a long time ago.
At least this will make Bostonians safe from knife-wielding teenage criminals, right? Of course not:
Ban all the folders, sheath knives, box cutters and kitchen cutlery you want, but give me 5 minutes in any hardware store and I will make a shiv from something. Just to prove that point, I went to our own small town hardware and bought two 10-inch spike nails for around 75 cents each. I then devoted another couple of minutes to grinding one down to a needle sharp point. After that I wrapped the head end with a piece of cardboard and covered it with duct tape. The end result is a 5-inch blade stiletto just deadly as anything to come out of Renaissance Italy. A few more minutes spent with the duct tape and cardboard would have provided a completely serviceable “hide-out” sheath. Total cost, maybe a dollar. Any prison warden will tell you this is just basic “Convict 101.” If they can’t prevent it in prisons, it is obviously totally impossible to control on the street.
But like gun laws, knife laws target law-abiding citizens, not criminals.
Once Big Government has made us safe from knives, it will go after other sharp objects, eventually including our teeth and fingernails.