New York Times: "Pay up!"

Will E Worm

New York Times to ask Web readers to pay up in '11

The New York Times plans to charge readers for full access to its Web site next year, reviving an idea that fizzled twice for the newspaper. This time it's betting that it will be able to wring more revenue from readers without crimping its Internet ad sales.

Under the plan outlined Wednesday, the Times will adopt a "metered" system that will allow readers to click on a certain number of stories for free each month before fees kick in. A metered system is designed to draw casual readers with free articles while getting fees from people who want to dig deeper on the site.

The fees won't be imposed until next year, giving Times executives more time to build the system and figure out the details that are likely to dictate whether the gamble pays off. The pivotal issues include determining how much to charge and how many stories will be free each month.


I guess no one will want to pay for this.

Looks like newspapers will make a comeback. ;)


So many sites with free content. You can't control the web. A story is a story no matter who is telling it even if it is the small time blogs. I'd never charge a fee for users for my website. I just use advertisements effectively to make cash.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Most Americans won't skip a beat, unless the National Enquirer and Star Magazine start charging.
Most Americans won't skip a beat, unless the National Enquirer and Star Magazine start charging.

Ouch. Too true.

The Wall St Journal charges for its web content. They did that before Rupey bought it and turned it into a FixedNews shill rag with no real business cred.

I like the look of the NYT printed on paper anyway. I find the ads on the website to be really distracting. Hopefully they will dial down the banner ads now that they're going to charge people :dunno:

Depending on how expensive web access is, I'll consider ponying up :hatsoff: