New photo of the 'Face on Mars' proves the famous landmark is just a rocky hill

I'll never be able to warch Mission To Mars (2000) ever again :crying:


The incredible picture of what looks like a face on the surface of Mars from the original black and white Viking Orbiter picture. The discovery spawned conspiracy theories and even a film


A black and white version of the new HiRISE photo, The face is almost impossible to spot in this high-res image


Changing face of Mars: As technology and imaging improved, the face started to look less and less 'humanoid'


Side view: A three-dimensional side perspective shows the face more like the topographical feature it is


The close up of the famous rocky outcrop on the surface of Mars which is unrecognisable from the famous 'face' spotted in the 70s
Those new pics are doctored.

Clearly the original shows a vaguely facial-looking monument carved by Martian engineers who knew that Earthlings would eventually be able to spy on the red planet, but never visit.

Why prove your planetary societal existence by carving complex geometric patterns across a flat plain? Carving a giant burn victim's grimace onto a mountain makes much, much more sense.


what the fuck you lookin at?
how is this news? We've all known for some time it's just a fuckin rock pile!
oooooooooooooooooh. :surprise: iT looked a wee bit like Mikhail Myers, yano, from thee Halloween movies :surprise: ooooooooooooooh.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
how is this news? We've all known for some time it's just a fuckin rock pile!

Just a rock pile! I guess no one has seen a little educational film called John Carpenters Ghosts of Mars!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If you liked that, you should see the new photos of the "Ass of Mars".


It's good to be the king...