new or old school porn

new or old school porn

  • new school porn (current no plot just exploitation)

    Votes: 96 61.5%
  • old school (70s and 80s semi plot)

    Votes: 60 38.5%

  • Total voters
new school porn being plotless many girl individual vingiettes such as blow job honeys #1-infinity or ass bangers whatever ect.. Old school movies being the 70s and 80s porn with laughable semi plots and catchy title like on golden blonde with ginger lynn.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I like the old school porn better, but not for the plot. The women were real back then. Now most are fake barbie doll looking bitches that are over airbrushed!
all i know is new skool... :cool:
however, one of my favorites is Charlie Angel if that is considered an old school chick
I like the rare new stuff that has at least a rudimentary story. I like how nowadays the girls are all shaved or trimmed and the camerawork is clearer. But I do like stories. Vivid seems to be the most reliable for me. Though I would like some of their stuff to be "more hardcore" if you know what I mean. But it seems like if you want semi-depraved stuff, you get no story.:dunno:
Not a great movie, but here's a scene in the movie, From Dusk Till Dawn II

[the men are watching a pornography film]
Jesus: This movie is very low quality.
Ray Bob: Don't look that bad to me.
Jesus: There's no story.
Bucky: It's a fuck movie. I don't watch a fuck movie for the story. I watch a fuck movie to see fuckin'.
C.W.: I got to side with Jesus on this one. I personally appreciate an attempt at telling a story. When I care more about the characters, I care more about the fuckin'.


Closed Account
Im like most I like a little of both.
I do not like porn movies at all, neither old nor new, cuz me in general not fond of watching porn video. So, all the difference about plot lines does not matter for me. I prefer photos. And when it comes to photos, I definitely choose "newschool" (from mid 90-ies till nowadays)

I really love music of 80-ies. But I do not like women style/fashion of 80-ies. And the photosets that I saw from that period of time were not as nice as new ones. I prefer modern concept of beauty, rather then "more natural" women of oldschool porn. I put it in the quotes, cuz this definition sounds questionable to me. And the more questionable is the contraposition of naturalness of retro pornstars and new ones. Because there are hundreds of natural girls in porn today!
I am surprised to hear about newschool plastic "barbies"... Silicon? Yes, I hate it myself! I can't stand boobjobs, but luckily there are many girls with natural tits nowadays! Please, show me the reason to blame modern pornstars of being unnatural? Or maybe unshaved pussy is the only criteria of naturalness? ;) I do insist that a large amount of european pornstars nowadays is very natural. Sometimes, when watching oldschool photosets I feel like under the term "natural" people mean average-looking girls with ordinary faces and untrained bodies... but IMO this is not naturalness. It was a time when I was searching for any Rodox, color climax, and stuff like that, cuz I was just curious to find some oldschool girls that were sexy... but most of that photosets from 70-80ies looked like an amateur porn to me, cuz bodies were very average and plain, girls acted kinda shy (or looked like that) temperament of the pornstars was different, more mild - it is kinda obsolescence to my mind, and the action is not as hot as in a newschool, new stars are more lustful, the action is more defiant and blazing. And as for me, I really love that nowadays in porn there are very sexy girls, sometimes much more good-looking and sexy than mainstream celebrities and "sex symbols".

In general the supply of different girl types involved in porn industry nowadays is much more wide than it was back in the days. Variety is bigger than ever! Due to the internet you can always find any type of the body/face/color or whatever else turns you on.


It's good to be the king...
Voted for the Golden oldies....
Well I am profoundly deaf girl so I cannot follow the plots at all anyway. I think good porn is about presenting a woman's body as something as sexy and beautiful as possible for men's enjoyment. So I think the best porn just concentrates on that.
the "new school" porn that sucks is these internet sites who either talk the girl to death or much worse berate the girl by calling her all kinds of bitches and shit. Either one of these, is the stupidest shit around right now.
I watch new school porn on my computer...Fast,quick and raw porn.But none can beats old school porn with story and creative situation on my tv.
I like the old school porn better, but not for the plot. The women were real back then. Now most are fake barbie doll looking bitches that are over airbrushed!

I like 80's porn because the women and even the guys seemed real. A humorous plot or one loosely based on a popular movie can be fun too. I feel today porn is a bit too extreme is some cases and barbie doll plastic like you said. Bald pussies, implants that look too fake, too much emphasis on facials, ganbangs, degrading women, extreme anal sex, inserting weird or large item into a woman, bondage and taking porn too seriously. In the 80's and early 90's porn was fun. The sex seemed real and it was just an enjoyable movie to watch. I like the vignettes of the modern but even in the 80's the small amount of vignettes were great. I thought modern porn was great until I saw some 80's porn. Modern porn is good but I wish they would make some movies like the 80's.:)
Alot of the girls now a days are getting back to the natural look. You don't see nearly as many fake plasic looking girls as you did in the 90's. Most of the girls now are looking healthier too, like they do not starve themselves, which I think is a big turn on.