From the low quality pic with her face & body obscured she looked acceptable.
But not as good as choking a bitch...
Pressing both thumbs onto her throat and looking into her eyes, seeing the hope fade away with the life...
...Watching her body grow stiller and stiller as she loses the ability to fight back, watching her want to cry, but seeing that she can't...
....Dirty lil bitch doesn't like it, but she should've thought of that before she asked me for directions
:cussing: WHORE!
But then, the best bit, the bit that really satisfies, hearing that little "awww..." of a last breath, like a small child deprived of it's favourite toy (and knowing that she is the small child without the power to take the toy and you've the adult, taking it from her) and seeing the little lights go out in her eyes.
But she was wrong, and so were the other girls, and my collection of severed cliteri proves that; evolution tuned me to be the perfect hunter and I've kept a trophy from each single prey item I've taken down.
And finally, after the last breath and the feeling of satisfaction that the woman who thought she had you at her mercy was actually at your lack of mercy, there is the perfect little scene of her lying there after that final "aawwww..." of a breath. Perfectly still, everything the same, only different.
That's a feeling so good that it can be over a month 'till I need to hunt again.
But yeah, back on topic, apart from the things I mentioned, she looks ok. Almost lovely...
...full of life... obviously thinks she's something... might even think she's better than me...
Can I meet her?
Sorry about that people, I was channeling Blueballs for a moment...