A woman that beautiful is working for peanuts in the porn industry?
Because I am a completist with my porn, I have to keep the number of pornstars in my collection to a very low number. I have that number down to six. And let me tell you, I had to make some very painful omissions to arrive at that number. Anyway, Shazia is on my very short list. She is the hottest Indian pornstar ever.
Im not sure there is such a thing as the proverbial "to hot for porn". But it does seem like the very hottest girls that could easily be mainstream super models tend to have the shortest careers, as if they just discovered that they are "too hot for porn". For a while it looked like Shazia was going to be one of those girls, but thankfully it looks like she isnt quitting, but just pacing herself, which is what more pornstars should do.
Pornstars should do more softcore work, and even quite a bit of non nudity to supplement thier hardcore work. It would make thier hardcore work that much more exciting.