I was about to stop calling you Doucher, but you've done it again, Doucher. First, this belongs in the funny pictures section because it's kind of funny. Second, nothing in that gif has anything to do with anything.
Our response (to the actual attack, not to the funny gif) was exactly what we should have done. Cussers(giving up cursing for Lent) like you would have us out hugging trees and saying stuff like "I don't agree with their method but I understand their reason."
I think for every post you have made labeling one group or another as "Neocon" has elicited a response from someone attempting to explain exactly what a neocon is and you've continued to try and agitate by using the word over and over.
Your unreasonable response to reasonable reactions to your posts has led me to believe that you were forcibly sodomized by Dennis Miller repeatedly. It's the only explanation I have for your almost degenerative chronic whining.