Thank you for the compliments.I want you to know that I think about the effects of my words before I type them.I know I am opinionated and controversal.I am a liberal,democrat,I don't believe in war,I am pro-choice,I believe in death penalty,I think scientology is silly and very cult like,I am a big supporter for gay rights and gay marriage.I was an outcast growing up.I was cool and popular,but I was very much an individual and was more like a leader,I certainly was not a follower.
I refuse to be friends with anyone who is homophobic.
I have made a big impression on lots of people.I want you to say whats on your minds.Speak to me.But I will do the same.I will not filter what I have to say.I do not apologize for being me.I know I have fans that are fat,ugly,sexy,thin,etc..Usually when a guy makes negative comments about me on this board..I am assuming that they r probably fat and ugly bcause if they felt confident that I would be attracted to them,they would try to impress me,or use honey instead of vinegar.Some men are angry at women bcause we dont give them the time of day.Why would I settle for less than what I think I deserve?This is what I have realised from personal experience.I am shallow and cold in some ways.I like to date men and women that look really good,I want my partner to have a good job,and alot of money,a nice car.
I feel that if you are a guy who isnt what most women would call attractive..Instead of wondering why you cant get a date..Work on yourself..Go to the gym,eat better,get a haircut,a new wardrobe.
I wanted to look better,so I went and spent $7,500 on a pair of fierce tits.I work out every week,and I like to dress very nice.Esp. because I have to impress the guys at the strip club.I dont want to hurt anyones feelings unless they purposely try to hurt mine.So Big P-13,if u feel that u r fat/ugly..I am sorry for hurting your feelings.My words may hurt sometimes,but the truth is..Most people dont admit to the things I do.
How many times do guys tell their wife,"You're getting fat,you need to lose weight".Its acceptable for a man to say it to women,call her a fat bitch,etc..But the min. a women calls a man fat/ugly its a big deal...I do feel like a man inside.I like to wear the pants,I will not allow a man to talk down to me..I have made men my bitch before.And trust me,they love it.