If you want an amp to just use at home and not for playing gigs live, I’d go with a Blackstar 20 watt. I have several amps and this is the one that I use the most.
If you want a good guitar that isn’t expensive, an Epiphone or Fender Squier but have them setup . Then there is the whole do you want single coil or humbuckers depending on what tone you are looking for.
Well go to that site I posted, they let you search a variety of ways, including price. I get what you're saying, I would love to have an 800 watt Ampeg tube head, and an 8-10 cabinet, but I'm just not that good. But keep this in mind, sometimes going the economic way, just gets you other troubles. Lets say you find an unknown name Les Paul copy, for $250. Sounds shity, needs a set up, have to replace at least the bridge pick up...now you're into it, for at least the cost of an Epiphone Les Paul.
I use the Marshall MG30FX Guitar Combo Amplifier. Works pretty good fr me. It also depends on the kind of effects processor you use.
I use a Boss brand Cube 15. I've had it for 15 years or something and its still amazing. Built in distortions and loud enough to play live and over the drummer.
I have no effects yet, my fave was a Crybaby wah, will look for such an effect, and just go from there
I bet you can jam.
Our friend from Germany is making a career!
Start a band and name it the Tittybabies.