The fact that nazism killed people has nothing to do with it. It was a war like any other war.
And porn is degrading anyway. Or do you think that a 20 year old chick (who could be studying or working) getting fucked as the prostitute that she is respects the first article of german constitution: Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar???
If some kind of porn is allowed any kind should be.
What's wrong with you? Porn isn't degrading, the girls do it of their own free will. I'm pretty sure that Annette Schwarz and Katja Kassin know and respect the first article of the german constitution. But what has it got to do with porn?
Die Würde bleibt unantastbar! Even if Annette decides to let 20 guys cum on her face or whatever, she keeps her dignity, because she does what she likes. Look at her, she seems to be quite enjoying herself.
This discussion is leading nowhere...
And btw, maybe the war was like any other war, but not the other crimes the nazis commited.
(Ich denke mal du bist auch deutsch und hast in der Schule gelernt worum es geht...)