Name Celebrities Who Are Still Alive But You Thought Died Long Ago

I'm going with Rich Little unless I'm wrong and he's impersonating a living human from the grave. I thought he died right after the Reagan Administration. He's 81 years old now.

Guys like Robert Conrad and George Kennedy are guys who died recently who I also thought died over 20 years ago. It was difficult to mourn their actual death as it would seem like double jeopardy [NOBABE]deja vu[/NOBABE].
Mr. Dabney Wharton f'in Coleman. 88 years strong, and balled as ever.
Dabney Coleman was Gerald McRaneying before Gerald McRaney was Gerald McRaney but Dabney was never Hillerman who is short and always threatening to be fat. Not Dabney style.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Wilfred Brimley just passed away on August 1, 2020. He was 85. Rest In Peace.

Mr. Brimley was in Cocoon, The Natural, The China Syndrome, and my all-time favorite, Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins. I'm a big fan of Fred Ward and Joel Grey.

Wilfred Brimley played Harold Smith who the Station Chief of CURE.

Wilfred Brimley - Harold Smith.JPG

By the way, speaking of which ... Joel Gray is still alive. He's 88. :)
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