MySpace On Life Support?

No surprise as there's way too much spam going on there. MySpace has had its 15 minutes and has been replaced by better sites.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Wait, MySpace makes a profit? What the shit?
No surprise as there's way too much spam going on there. MySpace has had its 15 minutes and has been replaced by better sites.

I wouldnt use the word "better" people go on and on about facebook like it is such a better website when in reality they are one in the same. Does facebook filter out more garbage? Sure but is it a different site? no
Facebook is just generally cleaner. When I go to someone's page I do not have to wait for it to finally start loading because of all the HTML images, songs to load, videos to load, one huge ass page to load that by the time you scroll down it and every thing is said and done I could have been to five other people's Facebook profile pages, left messages, within that amount of time it took for one MySpace page to load.

MySpace became nothing but a whore site after it was bought up by Fox and they used it as their personal commercial site. Not to mention every one else using that site as a decorative commercial site.


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LOL I remember when Myspace was the shit and everybody wouldn't shut up about it. Now it's apparently obsolete.
I just love how friends in real life ask you to accept their invites on these websites to become their friends... :rolleyes:
I think I have a MyFace account. It might be Spacebook. I can't remember. The last time I checked it was about 3 years ago. flylicker
i only joined those sites to keep in touch with a couple friends that moved away. but, i got hooked on mafia wars on face book and now check in daily, but otherwise am inactive. who knows what the next one'll be, but as far as i can tell its all about face book now, and twitter is super popular, too. myspace has always sucked because it takes forever to load the page due to all the shit going on, songs, video, etc.more and better servers needed, then it'd be alright. i love complaining about free stuff and services.
I enjoy facebook. I never even gave myspace a chance because I just hated the look of the profiles. I still don't get twitter though
Facebook is for obnoxious college kids and myspace is for teenage girls.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way for adults to keep in touch with each other? Eh. it's not going to happen- bring on the advertising and attention whores!