My Obama Problem


Hiliary 2020
No republican is worth your vote right now so you have two options. 1 See who is going to run as an independent or 2 Vote Obama again and hope he has learned and he does better on his second term.

I gotta disagree a little.
Anybody is better.
Fuck, put a dead dog in there or even a animated gif of a dead dog, that'll be an improvement.

But I am voting if I'm here and Paul will get mine.

Btw don't forget i was the first one on this board to mention Obama.
For some reason I'm proud of that.
I gotta disagree a little.
Anybody is better.
Fuck, put a dead dog in there or even a animated gif of a dead dog, that'll be an improvement.

But I am voting if I'm here and Paul will get mine.

Btw don't forget i was the first one on this board to mention Obama.
For some reason I'm proud of that.

Oh yes definitely anyone but Obama because he is that bad of a president :facepalm:. Hell gives us perry(bush number 3) while you are at it. Or bachmann so she can ban porn

Paul will never get the republican nomination for reasons I stated in another thread so I guess you're not voting.
My problem is that people give the POTUS far too much credit (or blame) for what happens. All that the POTUS can do is sign or veto a bill that has made it through both the House and the Senate. He has no real say in the wording of a bill. Everybody blames Bush for the U.S. being in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many people, on both sides of the aisle are responsible for those actions. The House of Reps. controls the purse strings. Any spending bill has to go through the House first. If you don't like how things are going, blame your Congressman first.

Just remember that at one time both parties were third party options. The U.S. needs to start sending Independents, Green Party, Libertarian etc. Congressmen to Washington. There needs to be more than two points of view. Compromise can not happen with an us vs. them mentality.
I gotta disagree a little.
Anybody is better.
Fuck, put a dead dog in there or even a animated gif of a dead dog, that'll be an improvement.

We'll see how the second part of his presidency turns out.

The first half turned out about as best as it could UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES (which many of your are either blind or willfully ignorant of).

His actions likely averted a depression, he ordered an INCREDIBLY daring and successful rescue of a tanker Capt. ('member?) and he ordered a mission to penetrate another country's borders to successfully kill the most wanted man in the world, OBL.:dunno: We can reasonably surmise McCain wouldn't have since he tended to believe that was an invasion of an ally.

Not sure your puppy could have pulled it off either.

But let's put perspective to that...what would Paul have done about killing OBL? I believe his position is leave them alone. Maybe accountantNOT has more info on this than I have...

What would Paul have done about the Capt of the MAERSK? Negotiated with them or told MAERSK that it was their problem since he tends to believe in strict business/g'ment separation?

We all know what he would have done re: the bailouts and stimulus...and you'd be bitching about the depression while somehow trying to pin it on Demos.


My problem is that people give the POTUS far too much credit (or blame) for what happens. All that the POTUS can do is sign or veto a bill that has made it through both the House and the Senate. He has no real say in the wording of a bill. Everybody blames Bush for the U.S. being in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many people, on both sides of the aisle are responsible for those actions.

The POTUS actually has a great deal of influence over what a proposed bill/law does/doesn't contain as members of the administration literally spend all of their time on Capitol Hill cornering and wheeling and dealing with various legislators and members of Congress regarding proposed and active legislation. And everyone is right to blame Shrub for Iraq & Afghanistan because it was the moronic shortsighted policies of Cheney/Rumsfeld that led to the shithole failed state that is Iraq. Saddam Hussein was bad but when he was in charge you didn't have suicide bombers driving truck bombs into police stations or markets killing hundreds at a time.

Thing that infuriates me the most about Obama is how utterly spineless he has turned out to be, cowtowing and giving in to EVERY Republican/conservative/Teaparty demand, no matter how much that ends up fucking up the country even more.
Huntsman seemed normal and a good potential running mate for Romney. There's a lot to like about Huntsman -- hell, Obama thought enough of him to make him an Ambassador.

However, if Huntsman really said he wouldn't mind being Bachmann's running mate -- well, :wave2: buh bye dude. Thanks for nothing.

Even though Obama has been a total disappointment -- the menagerie of clown candidates offered up by the GOP makes an Obama cakewalk to a 2nd term a total foregone conclusion at this point...
Huntsman seemed normal and a good potential running mate for Romney. There's a lot to like about Huntsman -- hell, Obama thought enough of him to make him an Ambassador.

However, if Huntsman really said he wouldn't mind being Bachmann's running mate -- well, :wave2: buh bye dude. Thanks for nothing.

Even though Obama has been a total disappointment -- the menagerie of clown candidates offered up by the GOP makes an Obama cakewalk to a 2nd term a total foregone conclusion at this point...

I think Huntsman is setting himself up for 2016. Right now the far-right has control over the Republican party. If the GOP candidate were to lose big against Obama, you'll see the moderates blame the far-right in the party and the moderates will take back the party. I think this is what Huntsman is betting on, therefore he's positioned himself perfectly.
My biggest problem with him is that he does not push back against the moronic things that the republicans try and pull. He just lets it go and it makes him look bad.
Right now the GOP has no one that could beat him.