Please post my new porn weblog as a link on your porn websites, and please see that all the male and female porno-models, and all the users of pornography, see and read all my articles, sketches, and poetry posts on it. This website of mine is called: Groveller's Masochist and Scat-slavery Coprophilia Erotica and Erotic-Literature and Poetry, and the website and url address for it is:
Here is the first article on my new porn weblog:
Female Debasing-mockery of Masochist Coprophile Men Porn Pics and Movie-Clips Needed
I daily look at and use a fair amount of free porn-websites over the Internet, including the main ones I look at and use and which are,,,,,,,,, *************,,,, and, but I still find it very hard to find the kind of porn I need and like, and so please make sure that all these free porno-websites and all their porno models, read this article, and all the other articles and poems on this weblog of mine.
Some of the porn pics on these free porno-websites of which I daily look at and use, very occasionally represent and satisfy these needs and very strong cravings of mine, but I still often find it very hard to find the kind of porno pics and clips that I need and like, and which I will describe what kinds of porn pics and clips that I both need and like.
The kind of porn pics and clips that I need and like, are of very superiorly amused disgusted expressions of preferably naked women, smiling and/or laughing very superiorly and dirtily, very sadistically, and very mockingly at me - and by for example, grimacing and mocking me with their tongues and faces - and preferably many women standing or seated together in all these ways, in their pleasure and amusement at my scat-grovelling and slavery, and at my cringing, squirming, and at my extremely humiliating uglification and debasement.
I get some of this pleasure, from some of the pics on these free-porn sites I look at, and from seeing pics of sexy naked women externally French-kissing each other, or especially from seeing very sexy women externally French-kissing male porno-models - and which all fits in with one masochistic desire that I have and like to do - which is to lick and kiss filthy, dirty, stinking horse shit, whilst very sexy men and women watch me scat-grovelling, squirming, cringing, and debasing myself in these very ugly ways for them, whilst they all enjoy each others very sweetly-tasting and beautiful tongues. Seeing a woman or women suck on a dildo or dildo's or a woman sucking on a man's cock, also makes me want to crave to lick, kiss, and especially eat more horse shit for them all as well.
I think their should possibly be a separate free porn-site, which caters for this kind of female porno-model, and male and female porno model superior disgusted amusement and debasement of masochist coprophiliac men, and also a dirty porn category as I have described it, although like many other things such as femdom or female-domination, these other types of porn also fit in with the present mainstream free porn-sites that I use and look at over the Internet to some extent as well, but I still very much need these very special kind of porno-pics and clips as well.
If any prostitutes, porno-models, porno-sites, users of pornography, or anyone can find or make any of these very special kinds of porno pics and clips that I need and like, then please email them to me as attachments to my main email address, which is: I also like pics of piles of horse shit as well.
Here is the first article on my new porn weblog:
Female Debasing-mockery of Masochist Coprophile Men Porn Pics and Movie-Clips Needed
I daily look at and use a fair amount of free porn-websites over the Internet, including the main ones I look at and use and which are,,,,,,,,, *************,,,, and, but I still find it very hard to find the kind of porn I need and like, and so please make sure that all these free porno-websites and all their porno models, read this article, and all the other articles and poems on this weblog of mine.
Some of the porn pics on these free porno-websites of which I daily look at and use, very occasionally represent and satisfy these needs and very strong cravings of mine, but I still often find it very hard to find the kind of porno pics and clips that I need and like, and which I will describe what kinds of porn pics and clips that I both need and like.
The kind of porn pics and clips that I need and like, are of very superiorly amused disgusted expressions of preferably naked women, smiling and/or laughing very superiorly and dirtily, very sadistically, and very mockingly at me - and by for example, grimacing and mocking me with their tongues and faces - and preferably many women standing or seated together in all these ways, in their pleasure and amusement at my scat-grovelling and slavery, and at my cringing, squirming, and at my extremely humiliating uglification and debasement.
I get some of this pleasure, from some of the pics on these free-porn sites I look at, and from seeing pics of sexy naked women externally French-kissing each other, or especially from seeing very sexy women externally French-kissing male porno-models - and which all fits in with one masochistic desire that I have and like to do - which is to lick and kiss filthy, dirty, stinking horse shit, whilst very sexy men and women watch me scat-grovelling, squirming, cringing, and debasing myself in these very ugly ways for them, whilst they all enjoy each others very sweetly-tasting and beautiful tongues. Seeing a woman or women suck on a dildo or dildo's or a woman sucking on a man's cock, also makes me want to crave to lick, kiss, and especially eat more horse shit for them all as well.
I think their should possibly be a separate free porn-site, which caters for this kind of female porno-model, and male and female porno model superior disgusted amusement and debasement of masochist coprophiliac men, and also a dirty porn category as I have described it, although like many other things such as femdom or female-domination, these other types of porn also fit in with the present mainstream free porn-sites that I use and look at over the Internet to some extent as well, but I still very much need these very special kind of porno-pics and clips as well.
If any prostitutes, porno-models, porno-sites, users of pornography, or anyone can find or make any of these very special kinds of porno pics and clips that I need and like, then please email them to me as attachments to my main email address, which is: I also like pics of piles of horse shit as well.