My girl may dump me because of my porn blog

HI guys. I have a porn blog named Boobs Realm. The purpose of a blog is, besides sharing pictures, videos and interviews of Big bust girls, send traffic to porn websites and if someone register to the site i get a determined amount of money. I send traffic to sites that i can´t name here because i would break the frum rules.

I have made few money,but consider i havent update it often in the last months but the point is that despite i am with my girl for almost 2 months i wanted to be sincere to her and tell her that i do that. The other day she saw a check from Jelena Jensen so i can not lie to her.She is sad and angry cause she considers promoting porn is inmoral and girls in porn are obliged to do it. I have told her that it is legal and regulated by US laws, however, she does not approve that. I am not a porn addict, however, i want to know what happened to Ewa sonnet, or waiting for Karina Heart to do hc and I marked out when Gianna Michaels did her first anal video (and waiting for Sara Stone) I am waiting for Dors Feline answers, so she asked me to stop doing it. I said i can not guarantee her that. She is dissapointed. Am i right, am i wrong?

Can a girl out there tell me if i really screw up? It is not that I am cheating on her.
Yeah they won't let you mention those sites on this board because there are some Nazi's on here that are strongly against the 1st amendment right.
Also, if your girl thinks that the girls are obliged to do it you should leave her anyway because she is a retard. Obliged to do it? We'll who is forcing them to do it? Also, does she realize these sluts make quite a bit of money? She must be a real DUMbell.
Yeah they won't let you mention those sites on this board because there are some Nazi's on here that are strongly against the 1st amendment right.

Whatever, dude. Just because the board is actually managed, and they care enough not to let every swingin' dick in the joint do whatever they want and link to every site on the net hardly makes them nazis.

These boards run really well because they are moderated and managed, and if you don't like it, there's a WORLD WIDE web you can go explore to find some place with the appropriate level of anarchy and free speech.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think that you have two reasons for this thread:

1. Your problems with your GF.

2. Publicity.

You didn't have to mention the name of the blog for discussing your personal problem. Yet you make two different threads, both bascally about the same problem.

I have the impression that they are rather trying to make your blog more prominent. If I am wrong, sorry.
HI guys. I have a porn blog named Boobs Realm.

So here's you, having a porn blog.

She is sad and angry cause she considers promoting porn is inmoral and girls in porn are obliged to do it.

And here's your girl, who thinks promoting porn is immoral.

So... I think it's up to you to decide if this gal is more important than the porn thing, because if she thinks porn is immoral (Promoting it or otherwise), that's never, ever ever going to get better for you.

So you could stay with her and keep doing the blog, and both of you would be miserable because of her feelings about it and your refusal to quit doing it.

You could stay with her and quit doing the blog, but then are you really happy giving up something like that?

You could ditch her and do the blog- do you really want to ditch her?

Confusing, ain't it.....
I think that you have two reasons for this thread:

1. Your problems with your GF.

2. Publicity.

You didn't have to mention the name of the blog for discussing your personal problem. Yet you make two different threads, both bascally about the same problem.

I have the impression that they are rather trying to make your blog more prominent. If I am wrong, sorry.

I posted 2 because when I posted the thread and checked on the main page it didn´t apper then, so i beleived it was because I wrote the earn money phrase, so i changed the title. Then I realise I posted it twice but culd erase the first one.

I have explain her that girls are not pushed to do it. But she just watched a tv show where they told the story of Western European girls or tourist kidnapped in Holland forced to prostitute, so she relates those stories and says that promoting porn encourages the other behaviours.

The first reply is interesting, maybe she s mad because I look other girls. My site is about Big Tits and my GF has a big ass, but small tits. I am a Big tit lover. She does not know that. She wanted to get implants since before meeting me, but obviously not going to be a Merilyn Sakova. And i am fine wth it, but it is not wrong to fantasise with those balloons, right?

I love my GF, despite short time, she is nice. I havent updated the blog in some time, however, it is relaxing for me, fun. I can stop doing it, but it is also that I shouldn´t come here to Freeones. Am I a porn addict?


I have explain her that girls are not pushed to do it. But she just watched a tv show where they told the story of Western European girls or tourist kidnapped in Holland forced to prostitute, so she relates those stories and says that promoting porn encourages the other behaviours.

I love my GF, despite short time, she is nice. I havent updated the blog in some time, however, it is relaxing for me, fun. I can stop doing it, but it is also that I shouldn´t come here to Freeones. Am I a porn addict?

The Holland thing would have happened anyway , porns not to be blamed , woman have been kidnapped for this sort of things for milleniums , well before the net & videos where even thought off...

And maybe you are but if people go on history websites are they classed as history addict and is it seen as a problem? No its only seen as a problem when people dont agree with what your looking at , I dont think your girl would have a problem if you where addicted to something else and making money out of it...
The Holland thing would have happened anyway , porns not to be blamed , woman have been kidnapped for this sort of things for milleniums , well before the net & videos where even thought off...

And maybe you are but if people go on history websites are they classed as history addict and is it seen as a problem? No its only seen as a problem when people dont agree with what your looking at , I dont think your girl would have a problem if you where addicted to something else and making money out of it...

Well, you are right I could be a drug addict and maybe she woud try to solve it out, or maybe I am a guy who wasted a lot of money gambling, but know I am just a a guy who likes some porn girls and try to promote their sites. It is not that I am making huge money, but good for just watching some big boobs girls and posting links...


Re: My girl may dump me because of my porn blog.

OMFG ! Do I ever know what you're going through right now :o
If you really love your chick and envision a future with her, well, you know what you have to do. She's the boss right now, I guaran fookin tee you shes's the boss, therefore you can't have both.
Look on the bright side, she [B]is[/B] giving you a choice, right ?

:lovecoupl <- √ opt for the chick :yesyes:
Re: My girl may dump me because of my porn blog.

OMFG ! Do I ever know what you're going through right now :o
If you really love your chick and envision a future with her, well, you know what you have to do. She's the boss right now, I guaran fookin tee you shes's the boss, therefore you can't have both.
Your thread title reads as if you're at a crossroad. Look on the bright side, she is giving you a choice, right ? I'll give you a 1% chance that you'll be able to maintain both.

:lovecoupl <- √ opt for the chick :yesyes:

Thanx... I am tempted to at least keep the blog for a while, Dors Feline would answer some quetiosn to post them as an interview on it. Well, i choose MY GF, but i would leave the blog slowly, that is what I can do. Anyway I hope some check can get to my house anyway.
Now I put it in your worst scenario, would you leave freeones if your GF asks you to do so?


Dump her , the two of you can only prosper when yz accept each other warts and all also theres plenty more fish in the sea & there are plenty of girls who like porn as well....

Fuck , one girl I was seeing asked me if I had any porn? Because I hadnt been seeing her for long I said no , what do you take me for a pervert :rofl:
Her look of disappointmeant and her reaction was priceless "Is there something wrong with you " she asked lol

She should be happy, at least it's bringing in money.


Moderated said:
Thanx... I am tempted to at least keep the blog for a while, Dors Feline would answer some quetiosn to post them as an interview on it. Well, i choose MY GF, but i would leave the blog slowly, that is what I can do. Anyway I hope some check can get to my house anyway.
Now I put it in your worst scenario, would you leave freeones if your GF asks you to do so?

Listen, try this : Just sign one of your checks over to her and tell her "it's on you'' and that you love her and that you will wear a "cell phone leash" on your person 24 / 7 / 365 1/4 days a year and that the blog is about the income and not so much the boobs. :D :dunno:

And if that fails, tell her that Petra or Roald (or even rorys if you can find him:p) will manage the blog for half the income and yadda yadda :D

Could I stay away from FO's under the same situation as you ?

I ...... I . . . . take the 5th :o
^^^"is about the income not so much the boobs. "

What??? Fucking heresy!! :1orglaugh
