my cock hurts after jelqing

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i've done this 70 times this week already and now it hurts and looks a funny colour. :(
on a happier note i'm off to a scat party this evening :nanner:
Oh no shit?
My asshole is inflamed from severe autoerotic flatulence, and I'm going to a club where people wee on each other this evening! What a small world.


what the fuck you lookin at?
what the fuck is jelqing???
:rofl: This is complete and utter madness!!! Anyhow, if it hurts, maybe cut it off??? :rofl:
stretching your cocker by wrapping it around a stick. or something.


Jelqing is a series of cock exercise that extend length and increase girth. It's a safe way to permanently increase your man business. I did read about a world record 6in penis extension surgery that worked with no flaws. :glugglug:


I really don't want anything to do with this thread, so I'll just smile and walk away now.

:) *runs*
When you say 'funny colour', are talking funny haha or funny peculiar? Cause I think this thread could do with a laugh.
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