muslim riots in paris

Will E Worm

They need to start deporting them all.


the european union needs to be destroyed and quickly. European birthrates are low and women's equality and feminism along with the european union are stopping european nations from retaining their sovereignty and this is only making the situation worse. And on top of that there might be a woman president in the us and that will be added pressure. I hate how whenever I'm on a forum people fail especially european people to speak their mind our of fear of getting banned.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
the european union needs to be destroyed and quickly. European birthrates are low and women's equality and feminism along with the european union are stopping european nations from retaining their sovereignty and this is only making the situation worse. And on top of that there might be a woman president in the us and that will be added pressure. I hate how whenever I'm on a forum people fail especially european people to speak their mind our of fear of getting banned.
As a European, I feel quite free to speak my mind here and tell you that that was probably one of the stupidest things I've ever read, and I've read the likes of georges and Sam Fisher.

Will E Worm

lol how does one go about doing this?? Seriously,France is a very large country.

A large roundup.

France has a right to keep their identity.

Just like Spectra, Kahane wants to destroy all white country's identity.
It's time to start deporting peopel like them.

Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration.


Will E Worm


Harvard professor calls for the 'destruction' of the 'white race'

Another credentialed dimwit has a really great idea for fixing everything wrong with the world, as related by the Washington Times:

A Harvard professor wants to abolish the white race.

Noel Ignatiev, a founder of a journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard's W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a leading black-studies department, argues in the current issue of Harvard Magazine that "abolishing the white race" is "so desirable that some may find it hard to believe" that anyone other than "committed white supremacists" would oppose it.

More in the Link

This is hate speech, and promotes genocide.

Noel needs to be deported.
Socialism is a bad word in America, even though European countries have it, because it takes money out of stock market which rich people use to stack more dough which they don't need as they have enough already.

Take Health Care Reform. Fuck dat, if you are poor and sick, shut the fuck up and go home and die!

That is the American way! :)

Our neighbors to the north have it right at least.

"There is enough, for everyone"


yeah socialism is good in many ways what if you don't pay your taxes lol no heath care for you. OUTTA LUCK TRY AGAIN NEXT TAX SEASON . Remember health care is controlled by the government so no taxes no doctor.


Whenever someone asks if I am a national socialist I am deeply offended. If there is one historical figure and past Germanic leader I hate it is Adolf Hitler. If I could travel in a time-machine to Berlin in 1933, I would be the first person to go – with the purpose of killing him. Why? No person has ever committed a more horrible crime against his tribe than Hitler. Because of him, the Germanic tribes are dying and MAY be completely wiped out unless we manage to win within 20-70 years. Thanks to his insane campaign and the subsequent genocide of the 6 million Jews, multiculturalism, the anti-European hate ideology was created. Multiculturalism would have never been implemented in Europe if it hadn’t been for NSDAPs reckless and unforgivable actions. Eastern Europe would have remained free, the US and Russia would never have risen up as super-powers. The balance of power would have remained in Europe. And it would be a beautiful Europe with beautiful cultural conservative policies – very similar to the ones you now find in Japan and South Korea. Hitler almost destroyed everything with his reckless and unforgivable actions and he will forever be known as a traitor to the Nordic-Germanic tribes.
So, I am really speechless when I see the cult calling themselves national socialists today. If you truly love our tribe, the Nordic tribes or any other European tribe, you must learn and acknowledge that Hitler is a traitor to the Germanic and all European tribes, NOT a hero. Hitler had the military capabilities necessary to liberate Jerusalem and the nearby provinces from Islamic occupation. He could have easily worked out an agreement with the UK and France to liberate the ancient Jewish Christian lands with the
purpose of giving the Jews back their ancestral lands. The UK and France would perhaps even contribute to such a campaign in an effort to support European reconciliation. The deportation of the Jews from Germany wouldn’t be popular but eventually, the Jewish people would regard Hitler as a hero because he returned the Holy land to them.
But what did the great Satan do? He invaded Poland, France Russia and several other countries in his crazed effort for world domination. It was completely reckless and unforgivable as the consequences of such acts aren’t very hard to predict. And when the tides turned for the Nazis and the Russian campaign failed, they decided to massacre the Jews and thus further condemning the Germanic tribes and the conservative/nationalist ideology to hell... They knew perfectly well what the consequences would be for their tribes if they lost, yet they went ahead and completed the job. After WW2, the greatest anti-nationalist and anti-European propaganda campaign the world has ever seen was launched. And people like myself, and other cultural conservative leaders of today, are still suffering under this propaganda campaign because of that one man.
Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that opposes nationalism/Zionism and supports multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists. Conservative Jews were loyal to Europe and should have been rewarded. Instead, he just targeted them all... So, are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist (nation-wrecking) Jews ARE while the conservative Jews ARE NOT. Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox. 50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we must embrace the remaining loyal Jews as brothers rather than repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I discuss the Middle East issue with a national socialist he presents the anti- Israeli and pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his propaganda is hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the Muslims from Israel) and that he is in fact helping the Israeli cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his argumentation.
In any case; educate yourself and learn the difference. Today’s conservatives and want- to-be Nazis are ignorant when they obsess so much over the Jews. There is no Jewish problem in Western Europe (with the exception of the UK and France) as we only have 1 million in Western Europe, whereas 800 000 out of these 1 million live in France and the UK. The US on the other hand, with more than 6 million Jews (600% more than Europe) actually has a considerable Jewish problem. But please learn the difference between a nation-wrecking multiculturalist Jew and a conservative Jew. Don’t make the same mistake that NSDAP did. Never target a Jew because he is a Jew, but rather because he is a category A or B traitor. And don’t forget that the bulk of the category A and B traitors are Christian Europeans. 90% of the category A and B traitors in my own country, Norway, are Nordic, Christian category A and B traitors.
i think that the muslims in europe and the hispanic people in the us should be deported or executed

good grief :1orglaugh

advocating the deportation and extermination of millions of law abiding citizens

perhaps its time to change your user ID to adolf2190?


i think that the muslims in europe and the hispanic people in the us should be deported or executed

good grief :1orglaugh

advocating the deportation and extermination of millions of law abiding citizens

perhaps its time to change your user ID to adolf2190?
thanks for the comparison to hitler



the united states promotes women's rights homosexual equality and minority rights in europe suppose i don't want these things nice people like you will bomb europe because you know HITLER HITLER HITLER . SO I'LL JUST SO I DONT THINK ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE SHOULD BE EQUAL . should i walk crawling on my knees???

this is from normans book "Holocaust memory loomed large as the US-led NATO bombing of Serbia commenced in the spring of 1999. As we have seen, Daniel Goldhagen compared Serbian crimes against Kosovo with the Final Solution and, at President Clinton's bidding, Elie Wiesel journeyed to Kosovar refugee camps in Macedonia and Albania. Already before Wiesel went to shed tears on cue for the Kosovars, however, the US-backed Indonesian regime had resumed where it left off in the late 1970s, perpetrating new massacres in East Timor. The Holocaust vanished from memory, however, as the Clinton Administration acquiesced in the bloodletting. "Indonesia matters," a Western diplomat explained, "and East Timor doesn't" Im not saying hitler nobody is but you are comparing me to him and people have the right to defend their people. You are saying that hitler is good because every time that a country attempts to defy the united states they use the memory of the holocaust to promote "equality" in the form of women's, gay, and minority rights. read the wiki


see they launch wars of agreesion using the holocaust and the memory of ww2 if your attack jewish people they will call you hitler do not wear swastikas when you remove the muslims and hispanics because adolf hitler is the reason that europe faces the problems that it does today. whenever somebody advocates patriarchy, nationalism, and racial purity . they are compared to hitler as finklestein. Do not imitate this man HITLER WILL ONLY PUT EUROPE IN A WORSE POSITION.