MSNBC host Perry-Harris should be fired

MSNBC Host Apologizes For Segment Mocking Adopted Romney Grandchild
Says she 'meant no offense' after needling Romney's adopted black grandchild

By Zeke J Miller @zekejmillerDec. 31, 2013144 Comments
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An MSNBC host*took to Twitter on Tuesday to apologize after she devoted a segment of her show to mocking former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s Christmas card and his adopted black grandchild.

Melissa Harris-Perry, who hosts an eponymous weekend show on the liberal-leaning network, displayed the card on her show Sunday, which featured Kieran Romney sitting on the former GOP candidate’s lap surrounded by the rest of the Romney family. Harris-Perry said,*”A lot of people had emotions about this baby picture this year,” by way of introducing the photo. Guest*Pia Glenn, an actress, started singing “one of these things is not like the others,” as the host laughed.

Harris-Perry then joked she’d like to see the younger Romney and North West, the daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, get married in 2040.*”Can you imagine Mitt Romney and*Kanye West*as in-laws?” she said.

Comedian*Dean Obeidallah then added,*“I think this picture is great. It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person.”

Politicians’ children are generally considered off-limits for the purposes of political attacks. The Obamas, like the Clintons, are fiercely protective of their daughters. On the campaign trail in 2012, some of Romney’s adult children acted as surrogates, but were not the targets of Democratic attacks. Kieran Romney was adopted after the campaign was over. *Romney has retreated to private life after his 2012 election loss, spending time with his family. The photo in question was from a Christmas card he sent to friends, family, supporters, and others he interacted with on the campaign trail

Nearly 48 hours later, Harris-Perry apologized for the exchange on Twitter, saying she “meant no offense.”

What she said and the crude and crass way she said them an apology isn't sufficient. She needs to be fired for her ignorance


Closed Account
It goes to show ignorance is an equal opportunity infliction.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
And Ann Coulter should be banned from Fox News for saying John Edwards is a faggot. And Limbaugh should be fired for calling an unmarried woman who wants birth control pills as part of her health plan a slut. Seems only liberal talking heads run the risk of being fired for controversial comments. That said, MSNBC has a bunch of people who have said stupid things of late. Shitting in Palin's mouth is a stupid comment. Stay classy, San Diego.
I'm certainly not defending Coulter or Limbaugh as I feel they are two of the most evil human beings on the planet but name calling is a far cry from what Harris-Perry did. the integrity of journalism as long left the medium
According to Nielson Ratings, there are 17 people who watch MSNBC at any given time. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, does it really make a sound?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
An apology with hashtags doesn't appear too sincere. And I thought black people were incapable of being racist.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm certainly not defending Coulter or Limbaugh as I feel they are two of the most evil human beings on the planet but name calling is a far cry from what Harris-Perry did. the integrity of journalism as long left the medium

I'm pretty sure neither of them had anything to do with that whole Pearl Harbor thing or the holocaust. The hyperbole of "progressives" is more hateful than anything either of those two ever spewed.
then you obviously have no objectivity and your opinion means nothing to me. those responsible for both the things that you mentioned have long since been dead and one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard was Anne Coulter saying that the widows of the first responders of 9/11 were happy that their significant others died because it meant a payday for them.

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then you obviously have no objectivity and your opinion means nothing to me. those responsible for both the things that you mentioned have long since been dead and one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard was Anne Coulter saying that the widows of the first responders of 9/11 were happy that their significant others died because it meant a payday for them.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Just another reason why I wouldn't watch PMSNBC anymore than I would Fixed News (including Faux Business News) or Slick Billy Maher on HBO. All of these sanctimonious talking airheads tend to get on my last fucking nerve!
Just another reason why I wouldn't watch PMSNBC anymore than I would Fixed News (including Faux Business News) or Slick Billy Maher on HBO. All of these sanctimonious talking airheads tend to get on my last fucking nerve!

Right on all accounts


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Right in my backyard that kind of shit has gone on. Bill de Blasio is the new mayor of NYC. He used his kid in an ad campaign telling us how his dad would make a great mayor. The fucking ad went viral because Bill de Blasio is white and his son is black like his mother. They had been married for 20 years and anyone reporting NYC politics had-should have known this. Ask if you want if you think this was a ploy to gather black votes. If you do, ask yourself if you would do this to risk your 20 year marriage with 2 children just for political ambitions.
???? Not sure where you are going with this. Can you please clarify?


According to Nielson Ratings, there are 17 people who watch MSNBC at any given time. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around, does it really make a sound?

It does on YouTube, which is where their vids get more airplay than on their 172 viewers's tube TVs...
And Ann Coulter should be banned from Fox News for saying John Edwards is a faggot. And Limbaugh should be fired for calling an unmarried woman who wants birth control pills as part of her health plan a slut. Seems only liberal talking heads run the risk of being fired for controversial comments. That said, MSNBC has a bunch of people who have said stupid things of late. Shitting in Palin's mouth is a stupid comment. Stay classy, San Diego.

The difference there is both were talking about adults, not someone's minor children…a redline many people choose not to cross. Also, Mellissa Harris-Perry encouraged her guests to mock the family, something they later apologized for. Melissa Harris-Perry is a bigot who hates White people, that much is clear from her comments on Whites over the years. When she's goes over the line, she never really apologizes, even when it's starting to put her job in jeopardy. Why? Because she has that much hatred and contempt for Whites and her White heritage, it's hard for her to even pretend to be something other than a radical, anti-White bigot. She probably shouldn't be fired for this one incident, but she's making the case for being fired. The same thing happened with Bashir, his latest comments about Palin were just the straw that broke the camel's back. Melissa Harris-Perry does not have the intellect or self-discipline of a Rachel Maddow, but she seems to think so. It's going to come around to bite her, sooner rather than later.
Right in my backyard that kind of shit has gone on. Bill de Blasio is the new mayor of NYC. He used his kid in an ad campaign telling us how his dad would make a great mayor. The fucking ad went viral because Bill de Blasio is white and his son is black like his mother. They had been married for 20 years and anyone reporting NYC politics had-should have known this. Ask if you want if you think this was a ploy to gather black votes. If you do, ask yourself if you would do this to risk your 20 year marriage with 2 children just for political ambitions.

Using your kids to sell ads, or playing up ethnic affiliations is nothing new in New York City politics. Everyone does it, including Mayor Bloomberg…who hypocritically complained about de Blasio's campaign.

The thing that sets De Blasio apart is that he is a self-hating White liberal who thought it was "cute" when his daughter made anti-White remarks in order to get votes from the bigots and self-hating White liberals in his party.

It shows what a radical, Leftist rat he is.
We become more and more pussified by the day.

People say and do dumb things but crying about it every single time it happens is just pathetic.
And Ann Coulter should be banned from Fox News for saying John Edwards is a faggot. And Limbaugh should be fired for calling an unmarried woman who wants birth control pills as part of her health plan a slut. Seems only liberal talking heads run the risk of being fired for controversial comments. That said, MSNBC has a bunch of people who have said stupid things of late. Shitting in Palin's mouth is a stupid comment. Stay classy, San Diego.



Hiliary 2020
And Ann Coulter should be banned from Fox News for saying John Edwards is a faggot. And Limbaugh should be fired for calling an unmarried woman who wants birth control pills as part of her health plan a slut. Seems only liberal talking heads run the risk of being fired for controversial comments. That said, MSNBC has a bunch of people who have said stupid things of late. Shitting in Palin's mouth is a stupid comment. Stay classy, San Diego.

Coulter shouldnt have said that. But John Edwards is a big boy. plus he's not homosexual, it wasnt really an anti homo slur.
And she didnt directly call him that.
Limbaugh was responding to Sandra " There is a war on women" propagandist Fluke's ( The #2 speaker at the Democratic convention, right before of all people serial groper Bill Clinton) comment that she spent 3,000 + dollars on birth control in college.
i think many people thought what Rush said , and again she's a big girl and she set herself for a comment or joke like that.

But this is ridiculing a baby.
a baby for being black?
A white family for adopting a black baby?
Don't get much lower than that. Much ignorant either.
This is the difference between people like Coulter and Limbaugh and many of the Leftys who spew how open minded, anti racist ect they are .
With the former they dont hide how they feel, they make it very clear what they believe.
But the leftys hide it. They go through life bullshitting everyone.
portraying themselves as anti racist and pro minority when in reality their every thought is based on skin color and the like.
Making fun of the fact that Romneys adopted a black child, as if thats even worth commenting on nevermind ridiculing.
In this case a few leftys showed us their true colors that they try so hard to hide.
And the only reason for the crocodile tears apology is to save her job.

Have a great day.