Movies/TV, Musical Acts, & Celebrities Everyone Likes Except You

Some things I have a hard time connecting with no matter how popular. As far as music, I never got into The Beatles, The Who, or Led Zeppelin even though I am a fan of Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones, and The Doors. On TV, I've never seen an episode of Seinfeld, Friends, or MASH. For movies, I never saw ET or any of the Star Wars films. As a kid I watched Horror Films and haven't seen an animated Disney film in my life. Other stuff added later.
I never listen to Sex Pistols before 1980's, but I saw Jaws II when it was relased (1978).

Ever see any of those Italian rip-offs of Jaws?

No, I have never these movies, but they seem to be interesting or should I say humorous.

The Jaws Michael Caine made was in America although it seems like Italian Schlock. Michael Caine had a Helluva run in the 1980s. I drank almost as much watching his films as he did on the set while playing all those over-the-top characters. He even dressed like a lady once.


"Gots me money?"


Closed Account
Re: Movies/TV, Musical Acts, & Celebrities Everyone Likes Except You

I've mentioned in other posts, early Motown music (before 1968). I learned later that Gordy removed a lot of bass to make it more popular.
Woody Allen

Can't stand him. NOT funny - never was/never will be

Don't like Woody Allen especially bothered when he's treated as Royalty like he came down from Heaven. His last good film was Sleeper in 1973. I think what really bothers me is that he used to be a funny guy then decided to go for the applause instead of the laughs. Same guy made Take the Money and Run, Bananas, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask, then finally Sleeper. I bet he wouldn't know humor anymore if it fucked him up the ass using crushed, dried leaves as lube and Donkey Punched him through a Barney Miller marathon.


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Re: Movies/TV, Musical Acts, & Celebrities Everyone Likes Except You

My list is endless. Superhero movies. I don't want to have to read 40 years of comic books to understand a 75 minute movie. The Sopranos. Never seen an episode and no desire either. Disco. It sucked when it first came out and makes me sick watching it come back for those retro people. Any of that Harry Potter-Lord of the Rings-middle earth-orc-wizardry shit. Dave Mathews Band. Any judge TV show except when Ed Koch did one. Dr. Who...
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Daniel Craig as James Bond. Most people say he makes a great Bond, I think he's the worst Bond ever

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Modern Family. I tried to like it, really I did. But it's terrible. I used to love The Big Bang Theory, too, but it has lost its luster. Jennifer Lawrence and Jennifer Hudson really aren't that appealing to me. There's nothing wrong with them, I suppose, but I just don't see what everybody loves about them. I thought the new Transformers movie was awful and Marky Mark was just collecting a paycheck. Falling Skies. I've watched parts of one episode but it just doesn't have any appeal. Parks and Recreation is just rotten. Its only saving grace is Nick Offerman. Amy Poehler looks like she got hit in the face with a shovel and I really don't think she's as funny as she was when she played Andy Ricter's little sister on Late Night. Melissa McCarthy is just fucking gross. She's one dimensional and unfunny.
Daniel Craig as James Bond. Most people say he makes a great Bond, I think he's the worst Bond ever

Your mom is the worst Bond ever. Daniel Craig is the shit, though I thought Skyfall was totally overrated.

I've never watched American Idol.