Movie Mistakes With Images


I suppose the first one could be a bracelet.

I don't have an image, but in LotR: Fellowship of the Ring, you can see "Gandalf" kicking the cable for his staff when they walk around in Moria (I think it was right before or after they came to the shaft with the mithril).
I remember when Saving Private Ryan was on HBO, the version was supposedly different. In the last battle, at the bridge, you could see a crew with film equipment run across the street when an overhead was shown. A few others saw it, but I don't think it's ever been shown again.

Normally I never see this kind of stuff though.

BTW, I don't see a finger on the trigger on the guy next to the one who's circled. Not sure what movie this is, but unless you're prepared to shoot, you're always to keep your finger off the trigger. It does look like a shoot situation though.


Closed Account
Its always great to see mistakes in movie. I remember VH1 runs one of their shows just talking about all the mistakes in movies.


Retired Moderator
The second pic doesn't look like a mistake. It's is a technique used by Law Enforcement to prevent sympathtic weapon discharges. It's usually known as "Indexing" :2 cents:


Colonel said:
The second pic doesn't look like a mistake. It's is a technique used by Law Enforcement to prevent sympathtic weapon discharges. It's usually known as "Indexing" :2 cents:

Colonel said:
The second pic doesn't look like a mistake. It's is a technique used by Law Enforcement to prevent sympathtic weapon discharges. It's usually known as "Indexing" :2 cents:

Normally you keep your index finger next to the trigger guard to be quicker on the shot but yes you are right in calling it “indexing”

Just my:2 cents:
Actually if you look at the gun behind the "officer" in the foreground you'll notice that he also is indexing.
Well, in LOTR: I, you can see a car in the background. Pirats of the carriban, there is a soundman on the boat.

Terminater one, when it smash trough the copter, in next seen the roof in the copter is fine.

Indian Jones, where is he running on a field - They are just 1 sec behind him, clip, and he is over 100 meter in front of them - talking about useing steroids? :O

Spiderman, when he first relaiz his super power, he smash a lamp with his net, next sceen it is fine again.

That was what i could remeber. To find in a danish !M magazine.
I had read that they changed the stormtrooper's line when they enter the room. It was originally just supposed to be "Take over!" But you'll notice in Ep IV, when the stormtroopers bust in, he says "Take over! See to him."

I don't imagine the line of sight is too good from those helmets!

hedonis said:
Here's a good Star Wars one- easily seen in Episode IV.

WHen the stormtroopers bust into the room where R2 and 3PO are hiding, one of them cracks his head on the door, which isn't open all the way.


I read somewhere that for episode II they added something like that for Jango Fett, I think after his fight with Obi Wan, when Jango goes into his ship he hits his head while going up his ship's ramp, since the stormtroopers are Jango's clones, not only are they good soldiers, but also a bit clumsy.
In 'The Phantom Menace' a lot of the dialogue and action is boring..

Okay, not necessarily a mistake..but I just wanted to point it out.