Mothers for marijuana: 'Please vote yes, yes on 19 for the kids'

As usual the know-nothing career politicians against legalization of marijuana don't know WTF they're talking about :facepalm:


With a group of mothers around her, attorney Hanna Liebman Dershowitz uttered some words likely not yet heard in this wild election season: Legal marijuana is "safer for our children."

“When I think of what type of world I want my children to grow up in, they grow up in a world with marijuana legal and controlled and not this out-of-control system that we have today," the mother of two said Tuesday in West Hollywood at a press conference aimed to inspire people to vote for Proposition 19. "So it might be counterintuitive, but legalizing marijuana would be safer for our children."

The mothers may be standing alone, at least when it comes to backing from politicians. Most candidates this year have opposed California Proposition 19, which would legalize marijuana.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Almost as dumb as the mothers for drunk driving.
As usual the know-nothing career politicians against legalization of marijuana don't know WTF they're talking about :facepalm:


That may be the most bass-ackwards argument I've ever heard. Legalizing marijuana will guarantee it'll be controlled? Seems to me the only way they'd be able to do that is to:

1. Treat it like alcohol, which is practice is abused by many


2. Do what they do now, use police enforcement.

Either way, this woman is essentially inferring that marijuana, if legalized, will suddenly cease to be a problem. That may be true by that standards set forth while it was illegal, but certainly not once it become legal.


I'm watching some specialist videos
That may be the most bass-ackwards argument I've ever heard. Legalizing marijuana will guarantee it'll be controlled? Seems to me the only way they'd be able to do that is to:

1. Treat it like alcohol, which is practice is abused by many


2. Do what they do now, use police enforcement.

Either way, this woman is essentially inferring that marijuana, if legalized, will suddenly cease to be a problem. That may be true by that standards set forth while it was illegal, but certainly not once it become legal.

Funnily enough, alcohol was abused more during prohibition than afterwards.

Taking away the stigma associated with marijuana makes it more acceptable, and therefore less attractive to the kids, or at least no more so than alcohol and tobacco. And let's face it, I'd much rather come face to face with someone stoned than someone drunk.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
If Marijuana was officially sold over the counter, it could be controlled like alcohol is, and thus the kids and the grown-ups would be safer.

Plus the dealers would be put out of business (Unless they open coffee-shops)

And you would be all better as the money could be put to good use, and fix roads, which would make the country even safer :clap:


what the fuck you lookin at?
May be a backward argument, but if it helps legalize it, then argue away! I mean it's for the children people...for the children...
The benefits of legalizing outway the "drawbacks". Anyone who argues against that is arguing from a personal political standpoint, not an informed economic(al), administrative or legal standpoint.

Even some of the big German broadcasters like RTL or ARD, whose news policies have always been the outlawing of drugs of any kind, have reported on this in a positive way in the last weeks. They have interviewed several American professors who specialize in criminology, economics, addiction and other fields, that are related to illegal marijuana consumption in the US.
The taxation of legal marijuana (as it is done with alcohol for example) could earn the state of California alone more than one billion dollars in taxes per year. The costs of the pursue of illegal consumption caused by police work, narcotics agents, the penal system etc. is at 1.5 billion dollars a year. This number would be reduced by half if marijuana would actually be legalized, because the control of marijuana consumption would be much easier. You do the math.
On top of that, there are several countries that can serve as "models" for legalization. In The Netherlands for example, you can consume marijuana legally, but you are not allowed to do it in public places (same goes for cigarettes or alcohol). Same thing with your workplace. You can be fired when showing up stoned to work every day. It's the same thing as if someone would show up drunk to work every day. You're not allowed to drive when stoned etc. etc.
And at the same time the marijuana industry created thousands of jobs. Imagine how many jobs it would create in the States.

You can apply the same rules to marijuana that are already applied to alcohol, tobacco or prescription drugs that have a similar effect.

I'm of the opinion, that whoever wants to smoke pot for personal recreation or leisure should be allowed to do so. As long as there are clear laws and regulations for it and as long as you go about it in a responsible way, I have no problem with anyone smoking pot. When a stressed out businessman decides he wants to vacation one week a year in his living room instead of Hawai'i with a bag of marijuana and his car remaining in the driveway, who am I to forbid him that?
Anyone, who gets piss-drunk every friday night, starts a fight and drives his car home later but at the same time argues against marijuana because the lazy potheads don't get up from the couch or get the munchies and drive to McDonalds, is nothing but bigoted and two-faced and should seriously consider revising his egomaniacal world view.
I'm still baffled that the husbands of these women actually let them out of the kitchen
^ I'm sure they're happily sitting on the couch eating the marijuana brownies that their wifey's prepared for them :)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If Marijuana was officially sold over the counter, it could be controlled like alcohol is, and thus the kids and the grown-ups would be safer.

Alcohol is controlled? You know that they aren't going to give two shits about who they sell to. They'll be selling this stuff to thirteen year olds.
even presidents have admited to "trying" it, so why not legalize it
Alcohol is controlled? You know that they aren't going to give two shits about who they sell to. They'll be selling this stuff to thirteen year olds.

In L.A. where I live they don't the police doesn't fuck around. I've seen a few liqour stores who've had their alcohol permits suspended for selling booze to minors. In L.A. it's much easier for a minor to buy weed or any other illegal drug then it is for them to buy cigarettes or beer at any convenience store or supermarket
In L.A. where I live they don't the police doesn't fuck around. I've seen a few liqour stores who've had their alcohol permits suspended for selling booze to minors. In L.A. it's much easier for a minor to buy weed or any other illegal drug then it is for them to buy cigarettes or beer at any convenience store or supermarket
When I was underage and living in LA, Pink Elephant was a godsend. They're a liquor store that delivers pretty much everything. They never asked me for ID because if they did, they wouldn't get a tip and it would be a wasted trip for the drive. Pink Elephant rules.
Funnily enough, alcohol was abused more during prohibition than afterwards.

Taking away the stigma associated with marijuana makes it more acceptable, and therefore less attractive to the kids, or at least no more so than alcohol and tobacco.

That's true, but that was more a reflection of organized crime during prohibition than anything the government did to restrict it. I don't see a correlation between making something acceptable and thus less attractive, in fact I'd say for most things, the exact opposite would be true. Social scientists have pretty much concluded that with drugs, or really anything that provides a "high", most people do it to get high, not to "rebel" or "stick it to the man". Legalizing marijuana would really do nothing to curb demand, it'd just put the people in charge of providing it in a perilous predicament.

And let's face it, I'd much rather come face to face with someone stoned than someone drunk.

Why? They both have practically the same effect on cognitive ability, motor skill, and demeanor. This nonsense about "weed smokers just chill out" is little more than anecdotal hogwash, there's no scientific merit to it.

Within the study, the majority (89% - 91% of alcohol subjects, 90% of marijuana subjects) scored in the middle 30th percentile for motor skills, a decrease of almost 40 percentiles, and upon eye exams, both subjects decreased at an identical rate of 38 percentiles....Test for demeanor was both self-assessed, and then done via an in-person interview. Of the alcohol subjects, 78% reported themselves as having a change in their demeanor, nearly identical to the 79% of marijuana subjects who did the same. Of those subjects, the alcohol subjects were found 68% more likely to display anger, with the marijuana subjects coming it at a close 65% more likely.