Most Tarnished Legacy In Sports?

Most Tarnished Legacy In Sports?

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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Chris Benoit
Interesting discussion this one is.

Joe paterno, just one stupid decision was all it took to destroy his career because of teh circumstances at hand and the hideousness of the story
Tiger Woods, brought everything on himself, he didnt embaress his sport as much as he embarrased himself
OJ Simpson, is a killer, i dont care what 12 idiots in LA said about the evidence.
Pete Rose, Talk about ignorance. Denied for years he ever gambled, than said he gambled but not on his own team.
All the Home run talk in baseball, Not as big a deal to many fans. When it comes to it, no matter what fans say, they dont honestly care steroids being a big deal, if they did, they would have abandoned the game instead of continuing to show up.

Out of all those, Joer Paterno and Pete Rose get half a vote each for me cause their stupidity ended up doing the most outrage with the general public.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Bonds, Big Mac and his ilk came pretty damn close to destroying baseball. Yes, the Pete Rose thing was big, but the steroids era put a huge taint on the game. Probably the only thing which came close to the steroids era was the Black Sox scandal, which lead directly to the Rose scandal. It came to the point where anyone not named Ken Griffey Jr, Pedro Martinez and Greg Maddox were suspects.
I would say the MLB steroid scandals are the most tarnished sports legacies, with [NOBABE]Pete Rose[/NOBABE] a close second (only because of the uncertainty around what exactly he did or did not do). Famous people will always have scandals, sports stars included. But, in my opinion, sports legacies are the most tarnished when the sport itself is involved in the scandal. OJ Simpson may be murderer, but that doesn't change his performance on the field. Joe Paterno may have have been complicit in pedophilia, but that doesn't change the teams he coached. Tiger Woods may be a complete s****, but that doesn't change the championships he won. But McGwire/Bonds/Clemens/etc & Rose... they invalidated their own accomplishments. They have no legacy.
how come when roids and hgh and other PED'S come up no 1 mentions the 1st guy to use them mr. pud galvin? google him if u think im making it up


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
At least OJ had a motive. JoPa's crime was gross negligence that harmed innocent children. Sorry, Joe. You win this poll.
Chris Benoit

I don't consider professional wrestling a sport, but besides that I would say it's a pretty close three way tie between Benoit, O.J. Simpson, and Jo Paterno.

If you count how far they fall from where their place in a sport was considered historically and not just the magnitude of the type of crime they were involved with then Paterno might now be on top.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
O.J. killed two people and went to prison for armed robbery and kidnapping.

I think he wins.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Paterno enabled a pervert to continue diddling little boys in the shower.

It's a tough call.
Yeah, it's really hard to measure which is worse.

What I don't understand is the people who say Joe Pa reported the situation to the people above him and should be absolved of any wrong doing. If you worked at a financial company, and you found out that one of your co-workers was sodomizing little boys in the office, your reaction would not be to say, "Well, I guess I'll throw this one up to HR and let them sort it out." Fuck no, you'd do something to stop it. I don't know what the fuck kind of screwed up culture you have to have in place where someone hears about something like this (let alone witnesses it) and doesn't follow up on it and find some way to end it. Rather, you let it go on for nine more years. Totally fucked up. I don't know what else to say.
That is a difficult list to choose from. If I had to choose, I would pick Simpson, followed by Pete Rose.

Both of them destroyed their legacy in the name of greed, jealousy and Simpson because he is an evil man. Paterno got caught up in something and used extremely bad judgment in how he dealt with it. Although he was wrong, I think he made his decision not only for himself, but because of the university and the people he became close with. I am not trying to make excuses for him, but because he was not directly involved in the act itself, I don't think he is as bad as some of the others on the list.
Not to sugar coat Paterno's situation, but the entire town enabled Sandusky... not just Joe Pa. The winner in this whole thing is O.J. Hands down.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
1919 White Sox.
The Cowboys of the 1990's
Michael "Ron Mexico" Vick
Ty Cobb
The West Point cheating scandal
UNLV basketball under Jerry Tarkanian
Al Davis

The list goes on and on. In any era there will be some scandal. Pedogate notwithstanding, I believe the most horrible person in the selection is O.J. Simpson.