Most famous person to support your team?

Some you may have heard of:
Gerard Butler Rod Stewart Billy connolly
Adult Image Hosting Adult Image Hosting Adult Image Hosting
Other names:James McAvoy, Desmond Hume, Liz Taylor, Oasis, Arctic Monkeys, Snoop Dog, Susan Boyle, Paolo Nutini, Bob Marley, Bono, Wayne Rooney

Some you may not know: Ronan Keating, Frank "The Chief" Banham, John Higgins, Lawrence Tynes, Nadine Coyle, Michael Owen, Kevin Bridges, Mogwai, Patrick Kielty, Frankie Boyle

Various more names and proof can be found here It's quite an interesting read, have a look at it

I could give you loads more famous celtic supporters...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
That douchebag Ashton Kutcher almost got my beloved Hawkeyes put on NCAA sanctions.
I think it was 2005 when the Astros were in the baseball finals or playoffs or whatever the fuck the Super Bowl of baseball is called and Matthew McConaughey was at one of the games supporting the team. He sounded like such a redneck.


Torn & Frayed.
The ones I can think of off the top of my head?

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Ed Norton

Carmelo Anthony

...and the ultimate:

Macho Man Randy Savage.
Jack Nicholson
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Ice Cube

There's more, but i wouldn't call them fans as much as I'd call them attention whores.
Tina Fey - Eagles and Phillies
Will Smith - Eagles and Phillies
Sylvester Stallone - Eagles
Bernard Hopkins - Eagles
Tara Reid - Phillies
Supposedly, David Beckham is a Phillies fan. Though I think that's just because he's friends with Ryan Howard.


I'm watching some specialist videos
White Sox- President Obama. I win.

I trump that with
Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Harry
Kevin Costner
Martin and Gary Kemp
Demi Moore
Matt Damon
Keanu Reeves
David Schwimmer
Barbara Windsor
Alan Davis
Matt Lucas
Sir Henry Cooper
P. Diddy
and many more

The team?
White Sox- President Obama. I win.

I trump that with
Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Harry
Kevin Costner
Martin and Gary Kemp
Demi Moore
Matt Damon
Keanu Reeves
David Schwimmer
Barbara Windsor
Alan Davis
Matt Lucas
Sir Henry Cooper
P. Diddy
and many more

The team?

Are you guys sure?
Look at the body on this guy

Jennifer Love Hewitt
Sean Connery
Richard Burton & Liz Taylor
Tony Hadley
Dropkick Murphys
Saw Doctors
Susan Boyle
Status Quo
Bob Marley
Eddie Jordan
Muhammed Ali, with the Lisbon Lions(click pic to enlarge).

And who can forget snoop?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
We got Ben Affleck at Red Sox games that's pretty much it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If my team was Ferrari instead of McLaren, I could win this one going away.