Pirates may be the most expensive, but it's also one of the more boring ones.
Of course it was boring, it had Janine in it.
I thought I read that the Private "Gladiator" series was the most expensive ever. :dunno:
Janine is boring? i have to strongly disagree with that... Janine is HOT!!! she performs with intense energy! and their new look is awesome!!
what is NOT boring to you, mate? why Janine is not?
I thought I read that the Private "Gladiator" series was the most expensive ever. :dunno:
me too. but don't know about the latest releases
I seem to recall reading that this was the new most expensive porn film. It's Wicked's latest big-budget epic, released only weeks ago.
And it was "SpaceNuts" in "40 Year Old Virgin", SBTNW.