Most Beautiful Face Tournament: Beyonce vs. Katy Perry

Which of the following musical performers has the greater facial appeal? (see pics below)

  • Beyonce

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • Katy Perry

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The MBF tournament seeks to name the most beautiful woman in modern media history!
Candidates include models, actresses, pornstars, or other entertainers/media personalities of the last 60+ years.

* Musical Artist and Others division *







Katy Perry

note: please base your vote solely on models’ facial attractiveness, disregarding personal sentiments, popularity, or talents.
* Register your preference in the poll function app at top of page. Thanks!

Poll duration: 7 days (if necessary)

In the event of a tie, match will be awarded to the "underdog" candidate, which is defined as follows;
The underdog is the candidate whose name, when submitted in quotes, returns the lesser number of hits via Google search engine.

Mercy Rule(TKO)
If at any point during the poll a 7-vote margin should occur, the leader of the match shall be declared the winner.
Beyonce has a better face. Katy has a better body. Both make shitty music.
Katy owns the tiebreaker in this match. Poll remains live for 2 more days (as of this post) if you wish to cast a vote.
Winner advances to 2nd round of tournament.
To me, of the two, Beyonce clearly has the sexier face which imo makes her more attractive. That's my :2 cents: :)