This one was tried once before, but was discontinued after about a year, as format was found too cumbersome for OP to sustain.
With same objective, this version features a simpler and more participatory approach.
Post photographs of the most beautiful faces you’ve ever seen (portrait-style, no nudity)
Following the completion of each page, all members will be invited to list their Top 3 candidates for that page.
Top 3 photos receiving the most nominations will qualify for tournament competition.
By way of survey, the most beautiful woman ever photographed will then be determined.
Here's the first entry...
With same objective, this version features a simpler and more participatory approach.
Post photographs of the most beautiful faces you’ve ever seen (portrait-style, no nudity)
Following the completion of each page, all members will be invited to list their Top 3 candidates for that page.
Top 3 photos receiving the most nominations will qualify for tournament competition.
By way of survey, the most beautiful woman ever photographed will then be determined.
Here's the first entry...