As to the mods on FreeOnes, they do a fine job!!! They are to be respected, and, consequentially, they will return members' respect. There's a SHITLOAD of traffic here on FreeOnes, and the mods work hard keeping things here the way we members enjoy things. Prosit, skol, cheers, sante, etc. to the mods! And NO, I am NOT "kissing mod ass;" if you've ever run or tried to run a board/forum, you know it takes a lot of time and attention and work. FreeOnes is a thousand times bigger than my little board, and I know even THAT takes a lot of attention. Anyway. CHEERS to the FreeOnes mods...thanks for the hard, sometimes thankless, work. :hatsoff:
That ANYONE has the nerve to come on a board, post a bunch of crap and be critical of the mods and the board layout, descriptions etc. and then NOT expect some hostility, well I just don't understand that! The fucking site and boards are free, and as such, people who don't like the organization and/or layout/rules/restrictions are well welcome to launch themselves off and out of this nice community we have here.
I am sick to fucking death of punk-ass, precocious, puerile, bellicose, vacantly-verbose motherfuckers coming on here being critical of FreeOnes, the mods, and varying aspects of the fora here.
If you don't like things here, don't come back! If you DO like it here and can be a positive and contributing member of the fora/threads, welcome aboard. If you have suggestions, there's even a forum for doing so. Don't piss and moan and talk smack about the mods and so forth to vainly attempt to make some point.
Sure, people always make blunders in posting here and there. The rules are somewhat difficult to understand given certain circumstances, and maybe your posted pic or whatever might be deleted... It happens.
But people should NOT come on here and start tossing verbal hand-grenades at mods and the admin. because they have not bothered to familiarize themselves with the community before they run their mouth.
My two cents. Cheers to all!!!