★Miss FreeOnes Round 2! December 2nd - 16th!★

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Official Checked Star Member
Aww thank you sweetie. No actually though the kids not a little hellion. he's a sweetheart. he's just simply 2 years old...period. End of discussion. hahaha. He is ful of energy and curious and due to my house being in the state of limbo (half packed for a move that I thought was taking place months ago) there's curtains and curtain rods taken down and the ocasional screw lying in the carpet somewhere and just basically really not childproof so things are in his reach and he needs to be watched 24/7. We took him to the playstation at the McDonalds down the road and he was trying to kiss this little girl who was also two. My friend said he just started doing that. He puckers up and goes towards girls he thinks are cute. She said ...and I quote "I figured I would have to have the chat w/ my kid about why private parts are called PRIVATE maybe when he's 4 or 5 but TWO?!" hahahahahaha.He was just still on a love and fast food high I think when we came back and he decided to hammer my portable dvd player. hahahaha. As gar as my plate being full versus "plates"....
I think it's more like a large soup pot with a raosting pan and a tale full of platters and plates. hahahahahaha
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!! http://www.missfreeones.com/bio.html?contestant=81
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
No worries, Nikki. I think all of us understand that you have a full plate(or is it plates?) right now and you have a lot going on but the votes will keep coming! I know The Vern has got your back as well. (We can both take turns giving you that massage.):D The kid sounds like a little hellion! haha! Best of luck with that. :D Take it as easy as you can, sweetheart.


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Official Checked Star Member
Thank you and sweet dreams my love
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!! http://www.missfreeones.com/bio.html?contestant=81
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
As I peer through a haze created by a need for sleep......I see the following votes from the past 2 days:

Miss Freeones:
Vanilla DeVille
Taylor Stevens
Ember Reigns
Mariah Milano
Nikki Nova

Best Euro Babe:
Puma Swede
Miss Hybrid

Best Cam Girl:
Xo Eve
Ember Reigns

Best Adult Model:
Got Gisele
Xo Eve

Best Newcomer:
Kortney Kane

Best Official Site:
Ember Reigns
Mariah Milano

Best OCSM:
Mariah Milano
Nikki Nova

Bonne nuit mes amis et bonne chance! (good night my friends, and good luck)

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ladies and gentlemen.....jbs has just left the building!


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and these are girls today

-miss freeones
Spexy Ashleigh
Mariah Milano
Sophie Dee
Vicky Vette
Miss Hybrid

-best euro babe
Sophie Dee
Miss Hybrid

-best cam girl
Spexy Ashleigh

-best adult model
Spexy Ashleigh
Taylor Stevens

-best newcomer
Play With Alisa

-best ocsm
Miss Hybrid


Official Checked Star Member
Well their dog is actually kind of like my "god dog". I know that sounds weird to a lot of people but he is. I love him that much and he stays here sometimes etc. He is a tiny little pomeranian and all he wants is to be able to hang out and be my cats friend. He doesn;t mess with her. He just watches and hopes. My cat however is a crazy ass siamese who was really abused as a kitten and I rescued her. she has never been quite right however and is so affraid of anything and anyone that she gets nuts and swats and hisses if he gets to close and she is 6 times his weight! She isn't fat. She is actually quite lean. He is just that small and helpless and he has no teeth. This is him. He is under 3 lbs! xoxo
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!! http://www.missfreeones.com/bio.html?contestant=81
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
Our previous cat and dog got along rather well, only a few issues at the beginning... but things were rosey between the two in the end (sharing the same space, even sleeping next to each other etc.... as animals they handled the situation much better than us humans when in a relationship or even EX partners :surprise:).

It may not be possible with your schedule being so hectic, but try to take some time out for yourself. I know that a woman's work is never done (as i get told constantly), it's the christmas season and you should have a bit of a break from everything to rest and relax, recharge the batteries!


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Vern that's just mean. That's like these girls offering up blowjobs for votes. It's just cruel. Don't you live in some far away state or something.
U fuckin' tease. hahahahahahahaahaha
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!! http://www.missfreeones.com/bio.html?contestant=81
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/

Hmm So what am I trading massages for again? I hope it's for a beer or maybe some more candid pictures of you. Yup Nikki I live in Cold as fuck Minnesota I have a friend who lives in California I'm hoping to visit after April.

I don't buy the whole trading blowjobs for votes. It's a great marketing tool, and if it works for some contestants to say it than do it but I don't belive that they will give blow jobs to everyone who votes for them

If any contestant wants to prove me wrong you can pm me
If you are a fan of the beyond gorgeous, Alexia Rae, please make sure to vote for her as Best Newcomer at this link EACH DAY. This 2nd round ends Dec. 15th.


Make sure to log in before you vote so she gets more points from each of your votes. If are NOT a member of FreeOnes, just sign up. It's free and you will never regret it.

And speaking of female perfection, don't forget to give love to Taylor Stevens. Here is her link:
It's nice to see that Miss Hybrid is up 2 spots today, BUT we still have to give her a BIG PUSH and get
BEHIND HER EVERYDAY with our VOTES, OK !! We just have do our BEST to insure Miss Hybrid of a spot in the Final 25,
because she DEFINITELY deserves to make it to Round 3 for ALL the GREAT work she's done here on FreeOnes always!! :thumbsup:

It's nice to see that Miss Hybrid is up 2 spots today, BUT we still have to give her a BIG PUSH and get
BEHIND HER EVERYDAY with our VOTES, OK !! We just have do our BEST to insure Miss Hybrid of a spot in the Final 25,
because she DEFINITELY deserves to make it to Round 3 for ALL the GREAT work she's done here on FreeOnes always!! :thumbsup:


I totally agree.

Let's push her a bit more:drool1:
*** I do not like eat pussy ***

I could not, would not, in a house.
I would not, could not, with a mouse.
I would not eat them with a fox.
I would not eat them in a box.
I would not eat them here or there.
I would not eat them anywhere.
I would not eat any pussies.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
Hello everyone and thank you so much for the votes. At least someone is voting for me because a lot of people sure aren;t allof a sudden. How did I go from 7 to 17 in 48 hrs? wtf? hahaha. Anyway...jitna I am not trying to screw with you or anyone my dear. I am just beyond overloaded. As I explained when this first began, I work 4 jobs and am in the midst of a major move and life transformation PLUS a lawsuit and stalker issues. Oh and now the holidays. hahaha. Right now for example is the first time I have been able to get on a computer because I have a house full of vistors that arrived this morning and one of them has a 2 yr old. My house is soooo not childproof BECAUSE I am in the midst of the move and they surprised me by also showing up with their dog and it isn;t doggy prrof either esp. since I have a cat. As you all know I was also sick all last wek so that put me even further behind than I already am in all 4 jobs and workloads so please just undersdtand that I am literally performing miracles even being able to get on here and you yourself mentioned I make up 11% of this thread even withh all of that! I think I deserve a hell of a lot of credit. I have no life at this point outside of my house except for running errands like the store, drugstore, health food store, post office, and occasionally gym. From the time I open my eyes until the time I go to sleep for the next 20 days I am working my ass off. Literally 18 hrs a day 7 days a week to try to get done what has to be done before I move. I hope everyone reads this and keeps this in mind when voting. I could really use some support and appreciation folks.
Big Love!
Nikki Nova

Well, all I can say is I've been voting for you ever since the Hampton post. Too bad you had to pull it, and I completely understand why. Hope you sway some more votes. Good luck.

Also, good luck with your writing, I know it is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Theodore Sturgeon once said something like "Ninety percent of Science Fiction is crap, but then ninety percent of everything is crap." (Theodore Sturgeon was a Science Fiction writer.) Just aim for the top 10% and you'll be fine.


Sliding into the weekend (finally)... I get to work Saturday, so the man is letting me play today.

Nikki, hope you're taking some time to have fun; sounds like you've got your priorities straight, & time with a kiddo can be frustrating but it has a great way of reorienting your outlook. Can't say i think you have a visiting dog, though... My idea of a dog is something a little less impressive then Miss Hybrid's Dane (No not Felix), but if it fits in a handbag it's a rat. Still, the image of the cat terrorizing the dog is worth a grin. My sis has 2 neurotic rescues... you don't even see them until you've been visiting for about 3 days.

Watch that 'working your ass off' threat... It's far too nice an ass to ruin so callously. & jitna beat me to it, but i think i can manage a massage when you're in the Flatlands. Like Mariah we'll understand if you're kept away for a time-- you're a wonder we enjoy jabbering with-- but hurry back before we start to look for ways to amuse ourselves!

Vanilla... Vanilla? I'm getting withdrawl, I think... off to the kitchen spice rack...
And speaking of, Bob, YOU ROCK!

Miss Hybrid, my neighbor had 3 Danes over 5 years, the pair they ahve now a Harlequin and one similar enough to yours I wend out back to see if they'd done an English rennovation of the backyard and had started taking renters... no such luck. They're great dogs, in any case, & got along well with the Belgian & Shep that ran in my backyard before moving to the fireplug in the sky... No drama, got 2 big pound mutts to play with now, but neither they nor i are as photogenic, so loved the pix today. If you're needing names, to... extend your Sybian soliloquy, i can assure you Odysseus & Azlan are fans as well (were even before they saw your pup).

Kortney, loving the lingerie version of the Christmas calendar. thank you thank you.

Bella, love the smile & playful attitude. Thanks!

Jinxypie, you can thank Bob, when he speaks, i listen.

anyways, todays' votes
Miss Hybrid
Nikki Nova
Vanilla DeVeille

Bella Bellini
Kortney Kane

Danni Gee
Ember Reigns
Got Giselle
Janessa Brazil
Spexy Ashleigh

Hope y'all enjoy the end of the week!



I'm watching some specialist videos
Voted for
Nina Mercedez coz she is gorgeous
Sophie Dee coz she British
Miss Hybrid for having an ace website
Maria Maliano she very nice young lady (lol, lady)

then just random s I voted in other categories but then the code kept fucking up so I got bored and stopped as its frustrating as hell

You tell me who should I vote for?

Nice to see you Rebecca, and hopefully we'll see you in next years contest.

Well, you already got Miss Hybrid, so Nikki Nova is probably the most deserving of a vote. Hard worker and gorgeous lady, always makes time to post here.
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