wtf....lacey brookes is so daMN hot
well,gonna vote now
well,gonna vote now
I have a bridge for you.....
The webmasters have taken over. I have been reading this thread and offer the following observations.....
When girls miraculously get votes in the middle of the night.. it is not because of popularity or social networking. Usually some savvy webmaster is pulling a string. The girls who are NOT posting here who are winning are chilling at home saying.... 'Cool.. I have a great webmaster.. I don't have to lift a finger... isn't life great!'
If your girl is NOT posting here... you may want to ask yourself, are you voting for a girl... or some guy with hairy balls who is trying to win the contest for her.
On the subject of Jane Burgess... Jane.... silly to leave imho. You did much better this year than last and people are voting for you. Don't be in contests for votes per se.. be in contests to meet new people and fans & the rest will take care of itself. Do contests suck? Of course. Are they always fair? Of course not. By and large you should know that going in.
If you quit now, another girl who COULD have been in this round meeting fans and getting promoting opportunities has been deprived of that spot. Embrace promotion. It is not about the win... just how you play the game. Stick around and post more pictures.. they are not hard on the eyes.
Finally... glad to see that there is a battle. I enjoy taking on men with hairy balls pushing computer buttons, and the men pushing those buttons can expect a fight to the last day from this Viking.
My vote links..... &
Vicky Vette
I completely disagree.
I think if someone wants to be a quitter on something which has relied upon the support of others to get them where they are is sort of a slap in the face to all those who could have voted for someone else. But that's just my opinion.
How it would or could have impacted other contestants can't be determined but it is safe to say if someone made it to the next round...someone else didn't. Who the someone is who didn't is pretty tough to know though considering you don't know how the votes would have split that were ultimately cast to get the person who quit into the next round.
Personally, I never fight harder for someone than they are willing to fight for something themselves.
If someone is going to quit on something...anything..then 'be like Mike" and "just do it...". Far be it from me to ask them to stay.
These girls are competing for the chance to win FOs prizes and money...everyone who gets a fair vote deserves it IMO no matter what criteria some think they should have to meet in order to 'earn' it.
Some girls are going to be more creative than others, some have larger fanbases than others and needn't work as hard..some girls just love the chance to interact and ply fans with content for their support and others have their gimmicks to gin up support...I mean, if you know anything about strip's sort of the same thing.:dunno:
Bottom line, FOs is giving these girls a chance to win 'free' money for just showing up...who could complain about that??FOs and it's contest ought to be applauded because in the end...most of these girls actually increase their exposure here and grow their followings.:2 cents:
Since I am sick and feeling like caca.....can I get a volunteer to be my nurse for a day or so?
Nikki Nova
PLZ Vote Nikki Nova!!
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I never said contests are fair but when people offer blow jobs, sex and gifts for a vote that is pretty desperate in my opinion. That is the same as buying a vote and that is not the way to win. :2 cents: