Millionairess Leaves Daughters 90p Each

Who knows if the mother was delusional or not, but either way it's her fortune to give away as she pleases.

Exactly. Once people are dead it's rather morbid to question their will unless there is concrete evidence of insanity or coersion etc.
apparently she felt her family had betrayed her since she gave them what she called
"blood money due to Judas".
judging from the fact that they're calling her crazy to get at her money it's kind of hard to argue the point


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I actually like that. Those kids probably milked her bank account for years.
Good. Now they have (continue?) to work for their money and learn what it means to earn something.

It's like how Bill Gates, last I knew, said he was only leaving his children with 10 million each or something like that out of his billions.

It's these people's money and they can do whatever they want. There should be no arguments about it in court or outside of court. It's not their money to begin with. They done nothing to earn it originally. If they continue in the working footsteps and went through the schooling and whatnot, have the experience, and choose to work for the company that is one thing.

If they sit around waiting mom and pop to die to collect inheritance, that's something else.
Speaking of weird wills...

T.M. Zink
...Yes, it appears T.M. Zink, despite marrying and fathering a daughter, was a misogynist. He bequeathed his daughter five bucks and his wife absolutely nothing, which left tens of thousands of dollars to be put into a trust fund. There, it would sit for 75 years before the wealth, that had accumulated, would be used to create the Zink Womanless Library. No books by women would be allowed to grace its shelves, no art by women on the walls, and no furniture by women for men to sit on. It was even going to have a “No Women Admitted” sign on the front door, so it was sort of a combination higher learning centre and juvenile tree house...

Charles Vance Millar
...was known for having a good sense of humor and a love for practical jokes, and his will reflects this. It contained all sorts of strange and funny requests, such as leaving a vacation house in Jamaica in the joint custody of three people that he knew hated each other...

Carlotta Liebenstein
...when Liebenstein died in 1991, she left a staggering 139 million Deutschmarks to her dog Gunther III and his heir Gunther IV. Now, no matter how many diamond studded collars and leashes you buy it’s still pretty damn hard to spend that much money to take care of a couple of dogs. Unless, of course, you ensure that your pets are given a private house, a personal maid, a limo with a chauffeur and a custom designed swimming pool...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It's like how Bill Gates, last I knew, said he was only leaving his children with 10 million each or something like that out of his billions.

I remember reading somewhere that Warren Buffet wasn't going to leave his kids with anything - he was donating it all to charity when he died.


Postal Paranoiac
She should have hidden all of her money, then forced her family to find the fortune using a series of brilliantly conceived video tapes offering clues leading to the exact location of her inheritance. Then, when the vulturistic victims finally find the spot, they dig there only to find a legal document willing the money to some Eastern European orphanage.


what the fuck you lookin at?
:rofl: fuckin losers!