Who the fuck doesn't get high? Seriously, which of you jokes has never smoked weed before? If not you need to get off this message board, let go of your dick, and live a little. Why people think smoking weed is such a big deal and is looked down upon, I have no idea. USA has been trying to pass this shit as legal in some states for christsakes. When a "drug" is put into movement to be legalized, then somebody fucked up a long ass time ago when they made this shit illegal to begin with. How many movies have been made about potheads, smoking pot, etc. There are a lot of negative stereotypes put on people who smoke weed, when in actuality these stereotypes are far from the truth. Laziness? Come on man, I can fucking function just as well high as I am sober. It loosens me up and makes me more sociable than anything.
Look at it this way, which is the deadlier drug; marijuana or alcohol? Which one is illegal, and which one is legal? Don't you think somebody would have said "oh fuck, people get killed in drunk driving accidents everyday and alcohol poisoning is a problem." No way. Let's throw young adults and teenagers in jail for smoking weed instead and take up room in prisons for pot dealers instead of rapists and the real people who belong in there. There is so much fucked up shit in the world, politics just straight up ruin everything.