According to Tucker Carlson
Maybe the threat of execution should be held back until he is playing badly?
Vick apologized, served his time and has learn to move on. What more do they want from him? More jail time? Ridiculous. People just don't want a star athelete to succeed.
I don't think that's it... I think that "stars" are given wayyyyyy more leeway than any of us regular people would get.
***insert one of the numerous celebrity fuck-up examples here***
While I don't think he deserves death for what he did, it's very hard to forgive such a horrific practice like the one he engaged in for a long time. I'm all for second chances for some things, but there is a line you cross where you don't come back from... now we can argue where that line is drawn all day, but I think we can agree it exists. And for some people, killing innocent animals in brutal ways is over that line, for some it's not. :dunno:
People guilty of serious crimes including manslaughter don't have to go through the nonsense Vick went through.
And they were pitbulls, dogs that are known for the mauling innocent people every year.
Um, people convicted of manslaughter spend more time in jail than did Vick.
And while that breed is known for it's propensity for violence, they can be good dogs too... but assholes like Vick and his buddies train them and abuse them to be bloodthirsty animals to fight and die for their amusement. Heck, if that's ok, then we are only one step away from saying it's ok for humans to do it too, e.g., the Roman era arenas. :dunno:
Not really. There are instances where people gotten off with only probation.
Aside from that, I don't believe the circumstances are anywhere near on the scope of what people try to level it on. Being on par with humans. If that were the case, (domesticated animals on par with human life) we wouldn't be sentencing them to death by the thousands every year just because there aren't people to take care of them. Can you imagine if that were done to humans a 'humane society' no less??
What Vick did was wrong but in the same respect you can turn on ESPN every Sunday during deer season and watch some guy piercing the shoulder of some buck with an arrow or a .30-06 Sprinfield round. The are those who outrage over that too.
We already do. The only reason why we allow humans to maul and maim each other for purse money and wagers is because 'we' can consent to it.:2 cents:
Um, people convicted of manslaughter spend more time in jail than did Vick.
Hunting and torturing dogs are wayy different, but I get your point.
And your last point is valid, and I agree. Therefore, should we continue to tolerate blatant masochistic behavior? Even foster it? Make it "cool"? Or should we as a society draw the line at the torture of animals/people for amusement? :dunno:
Well, I'm not really arguing for or against. Just lending some perspective to the debate.
also, it's sadistic behavior.
Vick is a sadist because he gets (or got ... yea, right) (sexual) pleasure from the suffering of others (animal or human)
Should he have been executed .. a little harsh I think. But maybe some reciprocity: he gets stuck in a pit with a pit bull and lets see how he fares while a bunch of spectators look on, cheering and getting pleasure from seeing his rectum getting torn out by the root .....