Metal Gear: Revengeance?

That's not even a real word! Apparently this is the new Metal Gear or at least the one that was shown a couple years ago with Raiden slashing like Chef Boyardee and OJ Simpson's love child. I miss when the Metal Gear series was actually somewhat believable and the game wasn't just move a couple steps, 2 hour cutscene, kill a guy, 3 hour cutscene, kill a boss, 5 hour cutscene, the end.

(leaked trailer)
The official title is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. The same as before, just with the added word "revengeance", which isn't even a word. Well that and Solid and Lightining Bolt Action have been taken out of the title.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's The Twin Snakes all over again.
This looks awesome. Who gives a shit if it's not a real word. Revenge is cool. Vengeance is cool. I'm in. Get into it.
What happened to the stealth?....what happened to the stealth?...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE STEALTH????