I wasn't taking a swipe at you or your issues, Dolphin. I'm well aware that justice isn't always blind and people do get fucked over... especially when they don't have the resources (or connections) to defend themselves. Anything I *think* about prison is based on things a pal who was a prison guard told me, as well as people I know who work in the prison system. I've never been locked up, so no, I wouldn't personally know. As for what happens to females who abuse or molest children, a retired guard told me that the term for the broomstick treatment where he worked was was "ram-rodding". Apparently older females who were abused as children don't particularly care for women who do to their children what was done to them. I took his word for it. I didn't ask for photo evidence or anything. I'd say that stick puts a damper on their "social life" though. :eek: :clap:
I don't know where you live, but where I live, drugs and guns found in a dwelling is more than enough for a custodial parent to lose custody. When I've evicted people for suspected drug dealing from my rental units, the police would contact social services if there were children in the unit. And I know that (here) if they're convicted of felony possession, the kiddies tend to go bye-bye, even if they get probation. A woman in this county was letting her boyfriend cook meth in her trailer where her kid and her dad lived too. He got caught. The cops arrested her and the boyfriend. Only drugs were present, no guns. She got a felony conviction for possession (she was high as a kite when she was arrested) and sentenced to probation with a suspended sentence for drug possession and child endangerment. She lost custody of her kid (only allowed to see [NOBABE]the kid[/NOBABE] under supervised visitation) and she wasn't even allowed to be on the property of the nursing home where her dad ended up.
All this to say, if you got done wrong, then I'm sorry for you. And yes, if you read my words here and in other threads, I most certainly do believe in due process. But I also believe that adults who try to weasel out of their parental responsibilities (or bring harm to their children - in whatever form) wouldn't get pissed on by me if their heads were on fire. And while it takes a judge and jury to decide her criminal guilt or innocence and her fate (along with her hubby) on the child molestation charges, my opinion of her at this point is based on the drugs and guns found. Period. End of discussion. Why and how people are using this case as a reason to bash Christianity, I truly have no idea. Jesus didn't put the meth or the pistols in their apartment. That's on these two irresponsible knuckleheads. And if a person is worried about their safety from the porn loving public and "needs" a gun, then don't be cavorting with meth (or crack) heads. Tweakers are as fucked up as a football bat by their very nature. Those are the people who'd slit your throat to get a $10 high.
Here is a truism that is undeniable: people who are into (hard) drugs care more about their dope habit than they do about their kids... or themselves.
Whether they were dealing or just using, fuck her for having a kid in that environment for that reason alone.