Melissa King

Miss Teen Delaware Melissa King in porn Girlsdoporn

google it and see for yourself

what episode of girlsdoporn is it?

and it mentions that she has done several amateur porn sites, which other ones?


I would feel bad for her but all she does at college is party, drink, do drugs, and sleep around with random frat bros

source: dont ask me, i cant give it to you


Apparently Melissa is a stripper and a promoter at some club in Arizona. Guess with no more porn revenue coming in she had to turn to something else to pay her way through college.
She is so sweet. I would so like to go over and help her pay her way through college. She wouldn't have time to go to college at all though if it was up to me.


Is Melissa considering another porno? Listen to this podcast (for some reason they deleted the video), she says if she was going to make another porno it would be much better than her first.

So you're telling me there's a chance?!