Megan Fox wikipedia?

I dont see anything wrong with anything written there. Some REALLY NICE pictures of Megan on that page by the way. Chubby making material at it's finest.
Maybe she had a pet cockroach called Abraham Lincoln and one day she stood on it, in a fit of rage.... it could happen.
Maybe he means in the Personal part of the article. "Fox has been outspoken in her self-identification as a bisexual. "
WOW! Transformers 2 seems so wonderful. ;) ....What's the topic?! My geek side owned me. :D Hmm...Megan Fox is a nice babe, that lean over Bumblebee's engine in TF 1 was just hot.
that sucks dude. hope your girlfriend never meets her. what a sad story that would be to tell. my girlfriend banged Megan Fox. naw, it sucked, I was left at home playing pocket pool.
what is the criteria for looking like a pornstar I wonder. being a hot chick?
Perhaps the original poster was referring to the following first comment in the "discussion" section?

"Fox is reported to be dating bollywood hunk Ankit Patel and they are reportedly getting married in april. Fox has a sex tape floating around the internet with her and Patel having sex in a bath tub."


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Perhaps the original poster was referring to the following first comment in the "discussion" section?

"Fox is reported to be dating bollywood hunk Ankit Patel and they are reportedly getting married in april. Fox has a sex tape floating around the internet with her and Patel having sex in a bath tub."

.... That could be interesting. Although she's too young, too thin and too famous... she's just hot enough to break the 'hot or not' barrier IMO.

We need like constant noobs spamming the celeb section with links to that video when you find it. ;)