Mustain got kicked from metalica and created his oun better band that rocked harder and continues to rock harder than Metalica ever could
Negative!! I love them, but its alwyas been Metallica for me.Mustain got kicked from metalica and created his oun better band that rocked harder and continues to rock harder than Metalica ever could
I personally Love St anger and death megnetic, but yeah that new Megadeth is great, there best since youthonasia.metalica might have been beter at the start but new Megadeth has got to be beter
Metallica expanded its style, evolved per se, but Mustaine stayed pretty much in the same groove. Neither is wrong and preference is personal. I prefer Metallica, but don't flip the channel when Megadeth comes on
Metallica, the early days. Megadeth is leaps and bounds better than Metallica now. Don't even get me started about the production quality of the last two Metallica albums. Probably the most horribly mixed albums ever.