Meet the Leaders of the anti-(not-at-Ground Zero) Mosque Movement

They are a creepy bunch. :facepalm:

Read this whole thing if you can:


Hatemonger Pamela Geller has apparently founded an “umbrella” group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative for her anti-Muslim activities, with an attorney named David Yerushalmi, and they are going to be allowed to put their misleading anti-Cordoba billboard on MTA buses in New York. Geller and Yerushalmi are using the First Amendment to justify their demand to place this distorted advertisement — the same amendment that they deny applies to Muslim Americans....

This is a good time for some background information on Pamela Geller’s associate David Yerushalmi, who is an advocate for criminalizing Islam itself and imposing 20-year sentences on practicing Muslims. Yes, really.

He’s not simply anti-Muslim, though; Yerushalmi also wrote a now-infamous article titled “On Race: A Tentative Discussion, Part II,” in which he advocated a return to a pre-Bill of Rights Constitution, and the restriction of voting rights to white male land-owners. Again … yes, really...

David Yerushalmi, however, comes off looking almost sane next to another founding board member of Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative, John Joseph Jay.

"Last month, Jay expanded on his advocacy of violence against Muslims to include people in positions of power. He commented on his blog about a magazine article regarding America’s “ruling class” as follows: “friends, if you wish to retain and preserve individual virtue, you are going to have to kill in order to do so. if we are to excise the ruling class, it will be with violence. they used violence to attain their privilege, they use it nakedly in the form of the s.i.e.u. [an apparent reference to the SEIU, the Service Employees International Union] and black panther thugs in elective politics to maintain it, they contemplate relocation camps to preserve it. … buy guns. buy ammo. be jealous of your liberties. and understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties.”"
Just because some idiots believe happen to be on a side of an argument doesn't mean that side is wrong... And when it comes to freedom and the supremacy of individual rights, he is right to think that it may come to violence in defending against oppressive forces that care nothing for the things we as Americans cherish. Throwing race into the discussion is not needed, it's about liberty and our rights to be treated as individuals against any enemy of that freedom, foreign or domestic, that propose ideals that are diametrically opposed. Any group that forces obedience blindly to a set of rules that we do not agree with is the enemy IMHO.
"Just because some idiots..."

Sorry, these aren't just "some idiots." They're not just people on the sidelines who are tagging along with this.

Geller's right at the forefront of this, and gets all kinds of face time all over the TV news networks. Geller's group is right at the forefront of this (e.g., the bus ads). SEE HERE:

The question for you CunningStunts is this - do you accept the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, or not???


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Sad, so sad....
The question for you CunningStunts is this - do you accept the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, or not???

Yes, I do. Does anyone else these days? The real question is this: Can a society that is supposed to place the individual and his freedom first tolerate intolerant believe systems?

In this issue, I just don't see why they can't build it somewhere else... it's divisive and it's detracting from other more important issues. They can worship as they see fit until they preach death to America, but doing it near Ground Zero is distasteful. It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO. Do they have the freedom to do it? Yes. But should they? Hell no.
Yes, I do. Does anyone else these days? The real question is this: Can a society that is supposed to place the individual and his freedom first tolerate intolerant believe systems?
Yes!!! We have tolerated (and still do) a number of intolerant belief systems here.
In this issue, I just don't see why they can't build it somewhere else... it's divisive and it's detracting from other more important issues. They can worship as they see fit until they preach death to America, but doing it near Ground Zero is distasteful. It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO. Do they have the freedom to do it? Yes. But should they? Hell no.

You just decried a media with no facts and a bunch of smearing in another thread. Yet you are giving yourself over to it in this thread.:confused:

I wonder many Mexican restaurants are near the site of the Alamo.:surprise::surprise:
Yes, I do. Does anyone else these days? The real question is this: Can a society that is supposed to place the individual and his freedom first tolerate intolerant believe systems?

In this issue, I just don't see why they can't build it somewhere else... it's divisive and it's detracting from other more important issues. They can worship as they see fit until they preach death to America, but doing it near Ground Zero is distasteful. It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO. Do they have the freedom to do it? Yes. But should they? Hell no.

That "but should they?" thing is such a red herring.

What you MEAN is "should they be allowed to do it?"

We've established that they have the freedom to do it.

If you keep badgering someone about something, that they shouldn't do it, when you've conceded that they have the right to do it (which they obviously do), then you're just making rights into meaningless abstractions.

Rush Limbaugh SHOULDN'T say a lot of the shit that he says (like what you said above, that's obviously just "IMHO"), but I'm not gonna take to the streets to convince (him? or the government??) to make it stop. He has the right to speak his puny mind, and for that to be a meaningful right it can't just become a theoretical abstraction where the actual utilization of the right gets negated by a bunch of people shouting you down - pitchforks and torches in hand...
Yes, I do. Does anyone else these days? The real question is this: Can a society that is supposed to place the individual and his freedom first tolerate intolerant believe systems?

In this issue, I just don't see why they can't build it somewhere else... it's divisive and it's detracting from other more important issues. They can worship as they see fit until they preach death to America, but doing it near Ground Zero is distasteful. It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO. Do they have the freedom to do it? Yes. But should they? Hell no.

Do you actually believe that bro?. Because WOW.... it's shows how much hate people like you have against these people. You know they aren't all the same,right.

I'm sure if they build it near ground zero the fbi gonna be on them like a fat kid in a candy store.


Hiliary 2020
Do you actually believe that bro?. Because WOW.... it's shows how much hate people like you have against these people. You know they aren't all the same,right.

I'm sure if they build it near ground zero the fbi gonna be on them like a fat kid in a candy store.

how the hell is saying its distasteful equal hate?

the fbi?

do you know what you are talking about or just typing random words?
It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO.
I missed this gem the first time. That is a pretty absurd analogy. But blaming the entire lot of Islam for the actions of a criminal syndicate who acts in it's name is "tantamount" to blaming all Germans for what the Nazis did.
Do they have the freedom to do it? Yes.

Actually they don't. I believe Germany is pretty strict when it come to Nazis and intolerance in general...You see, the like comparison would be Nazis to Al Aquaeda not Nazis to Muslims.
how the hell is saying its distasteful equal hate?

I don't know about hate but it's pretty ignorant and equally distasteful to be bundling an entire religious group in with a very small minority of killers and extremists who practice a perverted form of the religion.
how the hell is saying its distasteful equal hate?

the fbi?

do you know what you are talking about or just typing random words?

Federal Bureau of Investigation.

When you say shit like this

It's tantamount to building a Nazi monument outside Auschwitz IMHO.

it's shows how much a little hate some people have in their heart, because that wrong in every way.

and BTW for my comment about the FBI (why did i say if, because i'm sure they are going to build it no matter what.) We all know the FBI gonna be on to them the very first day they open that Mosque.
It's actually nothing like that at all.

Actually it's a lot like that.

I love the hypocritical left screaming about freedom of religion when it's not Judeo Christian.

As for all the mistrust in Islam, well the muslims have only themselves to blame for that.