Mech Game Name

This is going to by a long shot. There is a Mech game that was on "PS One" the was totally different. You design you mech, write a logic program (simple type using icons) ant then pit you Mechs again CPU or Friends. For the life of me i can't remember the name of it and I'm obsessing over it. Does anyone know the name of this game. :dunno:
Armored Core?
thats always been a pretty popular mech game
the logic program doesn't fit. . .
everything else does


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If you even know HALF the name, you'll find the game. Otherwise just browse thru the games one by one. There are only a thousand or two PS1 games. It wouldnt take you more than a few hours to find it. In the meantime you'll see a dozen other games you NEED to buy again. Gamefaqs is my first stop for reviews and nostalgia. I simply click a letter on the system I'm interested in and hot damn, I've found a few games I want/need to play again.